Indexed Search with BTRFS (not Baloo)

OK… I don’t mind trying on Virtual Box, But I wonder if my 64bit USB system I installed from would be installed in Virtual Box?

Just go ahead. The latest EnOS ISO on the latest VBox instance just works like a charm!

I always trust @dalto of course.


Never trust someone who doesn’t count space! :rofl:

P.S. HONK-HONK!!! :postal_horn::clown_face:

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I know what you are talking about.
This is why I do not trust MYSELF! :rofl: :rofl:


That’s wise choice! :upside_down_face:

is this OK?

[limo@limo ~]$ yay -S virtualbox
[sudo] password for limo: 
resolving dependencies...
:: There are 2 providers available for VIRTUALBOX-HOST-MODULES:
:: Repository community
   1) virtualbox-host-dkms  2) virtualbox-host-modules-arch

Trying to install “virtualbox” I get options to install these two not “virtualBox”!


Too much clowning around @keybreak :clown_face:

Not enough!

Wisdom is what distinguishes me from the rest! :rofl:
Though I posted A Complete Idiot's Guide To Endeavour OS Maintenance / Update / Upgrade - #88 by limotux!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Apart from myself, there used to be a Japanese, but last I heard was he’s deceased by now.

Allthewhile “The Band” is chiming in now, take a look at Joe’s post!

Installed VirtualBox
Created an Arch32 machine
Trying to install from my USB flash disk I installed EOS from (it is 64 bit), it is asking me to insert the CD or DVD! Which I don’t have! :cry:


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I already tested recoll in VM

I created 3 different PDF file and txt file in Documents.
I configured a recoll schedule that indexes every 1 min (every reboot?).

1 . check what is size of recoll cache

$ du -sh .recoll 
160K    .recoll
  1. Create a new home snapshot
  2. Check the size of recoll cache
$ du -sh .recoll 
160K    .recoll
  1. create a new home snapshot again, then reboot
  2. check recoll cache
$ du -sh .recoll 
160K    .recoll

That seems it has no issue with BTRFS. But It has more features than Baloo.


There is no option for EOS, and all Linuxes are 32 bit.

I’m not sure if you are familiar or interested in Docker, but Paperless-NGX could be a solution for your documents.

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What are you talking about? I use v-box. There is arch 64 bit



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For EOS you have to select Arch Linux (which is it’s base).

But just to be sure. Please let us double check, so please,
Create for example a text file and give it a unique name.
Put some text inside AND a unique word or phrase.

Search for this unique phrase.
How many times does the search result show the file?