I3wm for EOS net-install - lets do it together!

Two worlds in one :wink:
Following, I use it with alias in .zshrc,

xfce4-panel --disable-wm-check

let me see better calender, weather news and more.

But it is always taste and many roads in Linux leads to Rom :slight_smile:

No news regarding this? Is i3wm already available for the net install?

we will try to implement for upcoming release



@joekamprad, what bar is that? Is that i3bar or something like polybar?

Also, where do you find those icons for the workspaces, for example the “>_” and the browser icon, etc… Is there a site with those?

do you have EndeavourOS i3 setup installed?
This is simple default i3blocks and font awesome is iconfonts…

I do not know if I should open another thread, but maybe I could use this, since sway is the wayland son of i3 :slight_smile:

Could you consider adding also sway wm to the next EndeavourOS iso releases?
I’m already using it, but I have to install before i3 and then move to sway. Obviously it’s not a problem installing i3, but maybe it would be intresting to start with sway from the beginning, without xorg (but I do not know if it’s already a viable option).

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No, I am using pure-arch as of now, no EOS. Is EOS-i3 already available?

Wayland is not working in all cases but Xorg does … But it is more and more asked for Wayland sure

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Joe Kamprad (Joekamprad) has worked on an i3-wm set-up to give beginners and advanced users a jumpstart to the popular Window Manager. It is not based on a Desktop Environment but uses LXappearance to let the window manager handle GTK themes easier. Therefore it is light and simple, exactly what EndeavourOS stands for.

Awesome! I’ll test-drive it soon. Does EOS allow for disk-encryption yet?

To have a Wayland only install it would need to have an alternative option to start Calamares installer as the ones we already have for offline and online install, but it would be possible to have a separate netinstall.yaml file and injecting it to our ISO on the run also… (netinstall.yaml is holding the packages list we do install)

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yes it should work in 90% of the cases… most sure ways is to remove the partitions you want to use before starting installer as in some cases calamares framework get issues with already existing partitions…

we need some suggestions for default keybindings added to our config!


I would suggest adding keybindings for the brightness keys.
And maybe F* keys need to be changed? Or at least a commented out alternative presented in the config with a short note. Especially killing the focused window is an important one. I’m using $mod+Shift+c for that, but it would conflict with the current reload (I’ve set it to $mod+Shift+o - which may be unintuitive, I admit), maybe $mod+Shift+x or $mod+Shift+q can be considered as well and exiting i3 (which is used much more rarely) set to something else…
Also, $mod+Return can be set to launch i3-sensible-terminal instead of hardcoded terminator.

By the way, is there really a reason to use Terminator as the default terminal? It seems to be out of date - https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/any/terminator/

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You’re welcome to my dotfile if you’d like to give it a run and see if there’s anything you like. I can message it, or post it here if you’d prefer?

My most used are:

Meta+Ctrl+x - kill application
Meta+Enter - terminal
Meta+1-8 for - workspaces

Also, it’s far my favorite addition to i3, is autotiling script from AUR.

I also prefer i3-gaps, I think it just looks more “modern”

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Meta+Ctrl+x - kill application
Meta+Enter - terminal
Meta+1-8 for - workspaces
this was my thinking also!

  • autotiling script from AUR. → can you link, also if we do not put this as a package to our repo may we can simple put the script into config
  • i3-gaps → i need to try this

Here’s some of my favorites:

# Set mod key (Mod1=<Alt>, Mod4=<Super>)
set $mod Mod4

# Use Mouse+$mod to drag floating windows
floating_modifier $mod

# start a terminal
bindsym $mod+Return exec xfce4-terminal

# kill focused window
bindsym $mod+Shift+x kill

# start program launcher
bindsym $mod+shift+Return exec --no-startup-id dmenu_recency

# toggle tiling / floating
bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle

#navigate workspaces next / previous
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+Right workspace next
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+Left workspace prev
bindsym Shift+Tab workspace prev
bindsym Ctrl+Tab workspace next

My gaps settings:

# Set inner/outer gaps
gaps inner 4
gaps outer 2

# Smart borders (draw borders around container only if it is not the only container on this workspace)
smart_borders on


I use this:
with this in my config:

exec_always --no-startup-id autotiling

This way it always splits the same way and I don’t need to toggle from horizontal to verticle

first is horizontal, second is verticle, 3rd horizontal again. It looks like this automatically for me:

edit: you can also see my gap settings in that photo.

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gaps are nice that’s true :slight_smile:
On autotiling: i3 is doing this manually so having this automatic in a good way will be nice for new users, and if it is configurable to make it even better i would go for it!

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