If i split the screen in the terminal how can i open firefox or any other app in that window? If i open firefox it opens on it’s own in a full screen. If you have an app open can you split the screen from there?
This was how I learned how to use i3
Making it pretty took some more searching but this page has all the basics covered. Also, the man page was helpful.
From the read me on joe’s github:
Main shortcuts:
* [mod]+ **enter** = open terminal (terminator)
* [mod]+ **w** = open Browser (firefox)
* [mod]+ **n** = open Filebrowser (PCmanfm)
* **F9** = app menu (rofi)
* **F4** = close focused app [kill]
# Tiling mode is tabbed:
so each new window will open fullscreen as a tab, you can change between window-tabs with mouse or shortcut:
* [mod]+ **Left** focus left (left arrow key)
* [mod]+ **Right** focus right (right arrow key)
So right now the default is set to full screen. You would need to edit the config to change that. I plan on tinkering with this over the next several days. I’ll post progress here.
cant level up the brightness
is a minimum
and how to change to middle screen?
The tabs on the panel should disappear when you close all apps inside the workspace, and if you open Filebrowser it opens again yes.
Don’t worry @Joe, i3 works very well, in fact, the configuration you created works well and solidly.
It’s well configured, although there’s still time for the next ISO, but if it was today’s launch, you could launch i3wm without problems !
and if isnt disappear when is closed?
and i dont find setting in conky manager to hide him when i open another apps
i have that browser from left corner after installation i3
if it is the last workspace it can not dissapear… the idea is also to have the 3 apps open, as we do mostly need them on daily base, and a modern computer can handle 3 apps open without running out of ram e.t.c.
b.t.w. i find conky useless under i3 … as we do not have a Desktop, the space is used for apps/windows…
you can use terminal to show informations, and terminator can look like this also per settings:
The info you do show on conky are also already shown in the panel (i3-blocks)
ok, i understand. what about i3 status-rust? i build it, installing and how to start?
options for auto startup apps? i must start power manager every time i log out. i use power manager and terminal from xfce4 , of course
You need to add apps to start on login inside ~/.config/i3/config I do ad hinting titles to the sections it is the lines starting with exec --no-startup-id
Implementation for powersaving like close lid action is still not implemented, also notification popups are not there yet… but if you have XFCE installed you can use their stuff
and will be some conflicts there?
Not that I have seen so far.
Not that I know, as I do not include it.
I do run i3 on top of XFCE4, so I can use settings and tools of it
How? You delete xfwm4 ? Or you choose xfce on login screen ??
like this:
i want to try running plasma and i3-wm also … there are some turorials out there…
Not bad, it’s your taste anyway, and I respect that.
Personally, I don’t like to mix the breeds.
Either one or the other, it’s how I think.