How to switch from Antergos to EndevourOS

yes but leaves some unhandled actions, as DE are not handled by the meta packages from Antergos anymore, so better to reinstall DE as group packages from Archwiki after this, to do not get in trouble uninstalling needed packages to run the DE!

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Not my script, endeavourā€™s.
Yeah. I still think we should had released this as instructions, not a script; as long as we want endeavouros to teach ā€œarchā€ not only using it without learning.


Yes but we do like scripts also :wink:
I can enhance the non script howto, and remove the scriptā€¦ But if one is switching to endeavouros it will be learning later on then. .

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Instructions are always the best source.
Scripts are always an interpretation of instructions.


wise words!

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So Gnome with ā€¦

pacman -S gnome

reinstall. Or do I need to completely uninstall Gnome first?

for a comple GNOME
sudo pacman -S gnome gnome-extra
It will bring in some more stuff then Antergos have installed, but it will take care to hold GNOME together.


Iā€™ve done that now. Everything continues to work well.

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So I had followed this when I couldnā€™t do upgradesā€¦

Then I followed your above examples but did not uncomment out before I ran everything. So now I have a problem with making changes.

sudo pacman -Sl antergos > antergos-packages.txt
error: could not register ā€˜antergosā€™ database (database already registered)
error: could not open file /var/lib/pacman/sync/antergos.db: Unrecognized archive format

I also already ran the yay update thinking i could skip some thingsā€¦ so now says it already at a new version.

Let me know if there is a way to recover from this error that I made.


Can you check if this file is empty or has a list of packages inside?


So you already made the transition, just forgot to uninstall antergos stuff?

How do i remove those I canā€™t find those packages.

You can make another list of all antergos packages (only the packages that use antergosā€™ name) with
pacman -Qqe |grep antergos >new_list.txt

Then you can uninstall then.

Do at your own risk. Itā€™s important that you check the list of files, and see which packages you want to remove.

sudo pacman -R antergos-wallpapers
error: config file /etc/pacman.d/antergos-mirrorlist could not be read: No such file or directory

This happened after I removed the antergos-mirrorlist package.

I thought it was ok to removeā€¦ Since I added this package.

sudo pacman -U endeavouros-mirrorlist-1-3-any.pkg.tar.xz

as i do say there

moving antergos at the bottom of pacman.conf

not removing it before you get all Antergos packages uninstalledā€¦

What if I have already removed some of the antergos packages. As soon as I removed the antergos-mirrorlist I now cannot do anything else. I get the error above on any pacman command.

then put it back (on linux everything is a file :wink: )


  • getting mirrorlist and keyring:

sudo pacman -U endeavouros-keyring-1-2-any.pkg.tar.xz

sudo pacman -U endeavouros-mirrorlist-1-4-any.pkg.tar.xz

  • adding EndeavourOS at the end of the file:

sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf

SigLevel = PackageRequired
Include = /etc/pacman.d/endeavouros-mirrorlist
save the file :wink:

sudo pacman-key --init
sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux endeavouros
sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys
sudo pacman -Syy
  • fix os-release file:
sudo cp os-release /etc/os-release
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the already mentioned command should work, even if you removed antergos mirrorist or keyring, this will detect any installed file that contains ā€œantergosā€ in the name. In case the command creates an empty file that would mean you already removed this packages, hence they canā€™t be found.

I know I did not remove all the packages but the command will no longer work after removing the mirror-list. Please see screenshot. I only removed 2 of the package keyring and mirror-list. I can also no longer do a pacman database refresh and update. See screenshot.
