Hello again! Why did I ever leave?

Yes! I always say this is a fatal mistake (though I know some will be angry with me) but I do not blame anybody because I honestly don’t know who to blame!
My final word, it is open source any way, that is somebody while trying to help you accidentally broke something. Definitely he was trying to help you.
Anyway, I ended up converting to systemd-boot just to be on the safe side.
I am loving EndeavourOS as it is a rolling release and I prefer to just install only one time!

I don’t see any rational person leaves such a wonderful community.

Ouch… you just touched it!
I had a post in the jokes thread here, it was a copy/paste (with some little editing) of a conversation on another forum.
While the conversation was going on it made me so nervous, but now it is the funniest ever joke in my whole life (here is the link, I hope you enjoy). This was the reason no. 1001 I ditched this other distro!

Everything is wonderful here, as a distro, and as a community!
I am enjoying every moment of using my laptop and of reading here.
:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: