Hello again! Why did I ever leave?

As I sit here waiting for my live install to finish, I wonder; why did I ever leave?

The community here is the best, by far.
The distro itself is well maintained (well done devs, need another hand?).
The desktop is visually stunning.

Having bounced around a little since I last installed, I’m reminded again just how decent this community and this distro is. Fedora, Manjaro, Gentoo, FreeBSD, Parrot, Qubes - I could go on - are all good in their own way, but they just don’t stack up.

So hello again fellow Endevorii, good to be back!

P.S: The installer looks great!


Hello and welcome back!

No idea, sorry :grin:

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Welcome back :hugs: :enos_flag:

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Well, for me, distrohopping and I was not so familiar with Arch(based) distros. That was like a year ago… been distrohopping for almost a year!

Same, during my distrohopping I found myself somehow more comfortable with some other Arch based distros… but… the quality, stability, reliability, user friendliness and above all the community here is amazing. I feel at home here.

Welcome back home!
You will enjoy I am sure.

Welcome back @Gr1m :enos: :enos_flag:

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Welcome back to the purple side!

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It was a… grim mistake. :drum:


Same, during my distrohopping I found myself somehow more comfortable with some other Arch based distros… but… the quality, stability, reliability, user friendliness and above all the community here is amazing. I feel at home here.

I couldn’t have said it better myself!
Endeavor may have a slightly higher learning curve than something like Manjaro, but the support and sense of community here is above and beyond.
Not to mention the stability and overall quality.

I should have seen that coming :smiling_face_with_tear:


All who leave … Always come back to the purple side! EndeavourOS is the purple side of the Arch universe. :milky_way:

Edit: I know …finding your way is an Endeavour!

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All who leave … Always come back to the purple side!

I’m starting to see a pattern :thinking: Maybe returning was always my true pur(ple)ous!

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Not really. I came from Manjaro. I didn’t feel the curve is higher. I can call it there a bit more “slippery” :rofl:
And yes here it is a wonderful community.

hello @Gr1m,

welcome back to the purple universe :enos: :enos_flag: :penguin_face: :rocketa_purple: :purple_heart:


This is simple logic.
I really hope to see EndeavourOS the no. 1 distro. The standard for Linux. There are many reasons for me saying this. I’m sure you all know the reasons.

It is #1 in my books. :smiling_face:

For me… it is not #1!

It is the only one :+1: on my laptop!

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Well i do have Windoze on some also. :upside_down_face:

Just curious… why!
Well… for me I do not see a reason for anybody to use that Windoze! Maybe more precisely I do not see a reason for me!
Anything I want to do is here.

This raises a question in my head, why the heck people still use Windoze! (Other than addiction I mean)

P.S. For sure you and anybody are free to use whatever OS, out of believe in freedom!

Personally I’m using windows on virtualbox just to decrypt my kindle & audible books DRM.
Kindle for PC never works perfectly on Wine.

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