Greetings from a Manjaro refugee

I meant the eos-update-notifier and welcome:rofl:

Forum is much more than 0.01% but I don’t count that as the OS itself.

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As a former Manjaro refugee, I came here because of some very not too friendly people over there who think they know what they are saying is correct, when it was otherwise. But they don’t like hearing that. But hey, I degrees.

As for "age’, I’m now 66, I’ve been using and toying with Linux since Ubuntu Warty Warthog (2005) when Windows was getting outrageous.
I did my share of distro hopping, and so far I happy to call Endeavour home.
I enjoy new challenges to a point, but stability and functionality are most important.

So @W1se, welcome to your new home. Enjoy.


Post deleted so as not to be marked as a bad guy again :wink: .


it does not have to be arch to nice also :wink:

and welcome at not arch but nice EndeavourOS :enos:


hello @W1se,
welcome to the purple universe :enos: :enos_flag: :penguin_face: :rocketa_purple:


I look forward to you continuing this reasoning in the Arch forums.

I wouldn’t dare O:)

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From another “66” guy… who also switched to linux around 2005, I am with EOS since summer 2020 (after 2 years with Manjaro) and I don’t look back. I NEVER had more stability than with Rolling EOS !! Sometimes I even can’t believe it, I try to live dangerously, make some unwise install and break something but then someone from the community helps me so quickly in the forum and provide the right solution. Bottom line, it is really difficult not to have stable system with EOS !!

And welcome @W1se !




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Installing Arch vs. installing EOS!

A big big difference!

Yeah, but when you have a fully installed system, it’s difficult (if not impossible) to tell whether it was installed as EndeavourOS or Arch.

That’s why the package eos-hooks exists, it’s a hack to change “Arch” to “EndeavourOS” in lsb-release.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not criticising EndeavourOS for that. That’s, in my opinion, the best part about EndeavourOS – I hope that never changes :slight_smile:

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I may sound so noob and …
In distro hopping for a year (tried almost everything) I couldn’t get Arch installed… not straightforward or friendly as EOS.
EOS is the king of kings :crown: :partying_face:


The first time I tried Arch, I managed to install it, but I was a complete nôôb, too (even though I used 'Buntu for several years, that didn’t teach me anything useful!), and I couldn’t get proprietary NoVidea drivers to work (because I didn’t know how to install them). So, after a week of using Noveau driver with constant crashes and lag, I installed Manjaro. After about a year of using Manjaro that gave me enough experience to try Arch again, but I ended up here, and I like it :rofl:

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Too late, I’ve had you flagged for a long time now.

… seems that everybody ends up here… at the king of kings :crown:

Just in case, here’s my (second) review

I know that EndeavourOS is not Arch, but since I’ve installed and used Arch as well, I did not notice too much difference besides “outstanding defaults of EndeavourOS and much easier installation” :slight_smile:


Oh, and BTW I (also) use Arch … sorry… I couldn’t resist :innocent: :blush:

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For a noob like me, in my almost a year long of distro hopping I tried several times to install Arch, no way!
P.S. (when I say noob I mean I am noob to whatever came after the good old days when I used/programmed DOS, BASIC, GWBasic, Dbase III+ and Dbase IV)

Welcome. The only thing I miss from Manjaro is the ZSH prompt. Wish that were in the AUR so I could ditch my cobbled together version of it. :slight_smile: