Google online accounts dont work

Using latest version of Endeavour OS.

I am trying to add my Google accounts on gnome-online-accounts, but simply freezes.
I cant type my email, because freezes the pop-up.

Why this occurs?
I tried other mail accounts, and works.
I tried other distros and works.

Welcome @reypsj
What do you mean by “latest”?
What version of Gnome? Can I assume 43.4
Settings > About
It lets me add an email and I use Wayland.

All actually on distro.
43.3 F2FS.

On an installation on VM works, I tried yesterday a few install, but no one works.
All freezes only in Google accounts

I have no experience with this, sorry. It works perfectly on 43.4 and I run Btrfs.
One thought, are you on Wayland or X11?

Wayland, I suppose that in btrfs maybe works.
XFS don’t works also

intsall gnome-goa, for some reasons it is not part of the default eos installation of gnome.

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indeed not default… not everyone will need a google account or even want this to be there per default.

sudo pacman -S gnome-online-accounts gvfs-goa

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I’ve encountered the same problem as OC and installing those packages you provided did nothing. The Google popup freezes right after I put my gmail.

one package not mentioned yet is gvfs-google. Do you have that installed as well?

Yes. Still doesn’t work

google is now doing all this 2fa login or not? in case your settings can be in the way too
And @eznix is totally right gvfs-google: Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (Google Drive backend) is needed for drive usag in cases…butr should not be needed for the login process…

I’ve just managed to get it working. This askubuntu topic helped. Thank you for your help.



could be a wayland issue?

Google online accounts dont work

Seems to me everything is okay. :frog:

indeed :man_shrugging: its a feature not a BUG :wink:

Hi, I’m Antonio, I tried with all the desktop environments that support Gnome Account Online, I realized that it only works with Budgie Desktop.

Could be… contingency :wink:

For me it works everywhere… using the option to press “yes” on phone to validate… but from time to time it needs to revalidate…

sorry but I solved it :joy: in short I saw that Budgie Desktop also installed the “Gnome-keyring” package which the other DE didn’t install… in fact the problem was that it disconnected immediately after logging in. Thanks anyway :blush::wave:t2:

great … indeed this is needed… to keep the keys saved ?

ah and welcome at the purplefun side of linux! :enos: