I am trying to mirror cast my laptop screen to my TV over WiFi. I do not want to use chromium browsers. I had a look at miraclecast, but as far as I could comprehend it I will not be able to have an internet connection on my laptop, which is a problem for me (and I have no way of going around that with raspberry Pi or other such means). WDS (Miracast Wireless Display Software for Linux OS) says it is discontinued on its GitHub page, so I did not risk trying it.
The only option left (as far as I can tell) is gnome-network-displays. I installed it and it detects my TV, but when I click on it I get:
“A required firewall zone is not available and could not be installed”.
I searched the issue on the Internet, but I couldn’t find much information (that I could comprehend anyway).
There have been 2 topics with no answers to that issue on this forum: here and here.
Can somebody help with me with that or suggest an alternative I have missed.