Gnome 41 in the pipeline

I support an extension on, so I am just happy they have provided the beta version on a GnomeOS iso I could install to a virtual machine. I would hope anyone who is serious about their extension is testing on beta now so they can be prepared.


@pebcak looking forward to Gnome 41 :sunglasses:

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Every sixth months, broken extensions, broken hearts. But what do you do when you’re in love? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I think it’s safe to assume that most extensions that already support Gnome 40 “should” still work under Gnome 41. However, if history has taught me anything, it’s that I like eating my own words often :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve just checked the extensions website, less than half of the extensions I use support Gnome 41, the rest according to their git pages haven’t been updated in about 3-6 months, so could end up being a slow catch up for some of the extensions.

I certainly hope so. I have had updates recently to some of the extensions that I use. I haven’t check the extension website though. I assumed they were “preemptive” updates.


One thing I’ve seen some users (not sure if it was here or Reddit) mentioned to use Extensions from the AUR before using from Gnome Extensions website, but unfortunately when I search the AUR, it doesn’t have most of my extensions and I generally have the most popular/downloaded ones anyways, so I don’t know if that advice was sound or not, but currently all my extensions can from enabling them from the Extensions website.

Do you do it the same way as me or use the AUR for Gnome Extensions I wonder?

No, I have never used AUR for installing extensions.

Currently, I am using only 5 extensions, all from Gnome extension website.

These are:

Dash to Panel
AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support
Sound Input & Output Device Chooser
Blur My Shell

The last two only for “cosmetic” reasons.

Alphabetical App Grid
AppIndicatior and KStatusNotifierItem Support
Bluetooth Quick Connect
Disconnect Wifi
Just Perfection
Mpris Indicator Button
Notification Center
Sound Input & Output Device Chooser
Toggle Mute on Middle Click
Tweaks & Extensions in System Menu
User Themes
Window is Read - Notification Remover

Grand total of 15 extensions, I don’t want to add anymore than a dozen really, but some of them are supper usefull like toggle on mute and scrovol, which lets me mouse wheel the volume on the whole right top menu bar instead of just the volume icon only. Admittedly, I could knock it down to like 8-10 extensions if I really had to, but right now this makes Gnome usable for me in a productive way :slight_smile:

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Interesting list!
You made me curious to look them up :cat:

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I use only that one :wink:, no problems with extensions.

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Gnome’s the Way :wink:

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The only tweak I need are keybindings (custom shortcuts) for my favorite apps, then no need for dash to panel anymore. Or login in my qtile session for tiling wm.

I like my GNOME naked , no chaser .

Pure, unadulterated joy.


De gustibus non est disputandum

Well there is a testing version extension devs can install in a VM to test on the latest Gnome bits if they want to be ahead of the curve. :upside_down_face:

Jeez!!! :scream:
Get a room you two! :rofl:


Roooom? Naaah!

I actually did some testing on the GnomeOS VM over the last few weeks and just uploaded my Gnome 41 compatible version of Espresso to


Have you tried Gnome 41?

No, I haven’t actually. I know you could run the “OS” in a VM but I haven’t done it. Waiting for it to be available in the repos.