Getting Hyprland

Hi morning,

here you are good luck with testing !


Possible to install over Gnome or no desktop is needed ?

no you can install over gnome tested it my self this script for now, needs desktop environment as base system, installing with no desktop at all is no option yet ! but will come but please make back first of your root ! before testing the script ! i already know it works with systemd-boot but for it to work better it needs a modification to the script i’m still working on that part.

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Does it works with grub ? I am using it because of snapshots

yess that works fine !

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let me know if you run into problems !

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I’ve been reading some posts elsewhere about Hyprland not working well with GDM (where Gnome, on the other hand, seems to work best with it). Have you gotten Gnome and Hyperland working as login options with GDM?

Seems like there’s an ArcoLinuxB installer for hyprland

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ah youre the who posted in yt :slight_smile:

actually gdm is more stable compared to sddm

from time time im getting that sddm bug

where just black screen when exiting hyprland …thats in Arch and OpenSUSE. And the only way to get out of it is CTRL ALT F2

but on fedora with gnome, no issues at all. Exited, logout, multiple time, zero issues…

I have tried installing gdm in Arch but dang pulling also gnome-desktop


Ok, I got Hyprland up and running as an alternate desktop to Gnome (big hat-tip to the script from It is working with GDM as the launcher (my system is all AMD, it might be that the reports of Hyprland not showing as an option are specific to nVidia).

At first, I was getting errors around the “blur” options. Searching the Wiki’s and forums, I learned that “blur” now needs to be embedded to “decoration”. Specifically…

 decoration {
     blur {
     enabled = true
     size = 8
     passes = 2
     new_optimizations = on

Also, it appears the command “multisample_edges” is now depreciated and should be removed from the hyprland.conf file.

The only other thing is I don’t get a desktop background on initial start. I have to either toggle the light/dark button or set a wallpaper.

Other than that, this is my first tiling WM so it will take some time to get accustomed to. :wink:

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First of all hi,

Well i can say you this if you are accustomed to the way a wm or in this case a compositor works, i will have a hard to go back to the old way because alone all the workspaces with the use of keybinds it all goes faster then with a mouse and just makes more sense. but there is a bit of learning curve but that makes it fun.

Welcome to the hyprland peaple :slight_smile:

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maybe on desktop. But on my laptop with nvidia, that is where I dont have issue even with gdm

Vazerski is moving the development very fast and his last Hyprland release, he uses unreleased or not yet packed libdrm :frowning: a big headache for my Debian-Hyprland install script since Debian is slow in coping up new packages :frowning:


    "label" : "logout",
    "action" : "hyprctl dispatch exit",
    "text" : "Logout",
    "keybind" : "e"

after dispatch exit there was a zero which caused the logout with black screen
A big thank to you for v2.1 and v3 install scripts. I used with EOS with sddm.

cool thanks

Just found your v3 github. Installed v2.1 but, comparing the two and grabbing anything I think I might want from them is a good way for me to gain familiarity with the setup.

While I still think Gnome is the better environment, Hyprland is scratching the “Tinker/Customize” itch :wink:

you should take the one from Hyprland-Dots cause that is where I update since I dropped supports on v4 (and older) :slight_smile: and havent update it for like a month or 2

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I’ll look for it, thanks :slight_smile:

…hmmm, looking at the WindowRules right now, appears you can use both upper and lower case options on a single file name now. (such as [Ss]team ). Was having trouble setting windows rules for nautilus, maybe that’s the issue?.. one way to find out. Up to now, I’d type “which [filename]” in a terminal to see what actual spelling comes back with “/usr/bin/[filename]” then just use that.

use hyprctl clients instead to get the proper class identifiers

Launch nautilus and type hyprctl clients in tty. :slight_smile: you’ll see the class

Ive done that because different distro implements different class
i.e. Fedora and Debian. If I remember it correctly, Suse TW, Arch, Gentoo, NixOS have same class identifiers. But Arch also have some weird classes and paths on some of their apps :slight_smile:

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yup, that did it, thanks :slight_smile:

…another question, any way to pass environment variables set in hyprland.conf into waybar’s modules file? That is, I’d like to be able to set my email and weather apps once in hyprland.conf so I have the option to launch via hotkey and also be able to launch from the clock and weather modules in waybar (without having to explicitly define them there as well).

not entirely sure what you trying to achieve here…

you could add the enviroment to hyprland and it will be “there” until you close or reboot

if you dont want that, you could probably create a script and add environment variables when you click on the waybar

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