Getting Hyprland

I’ll have to re-install again to try it. As i posted above i can get the audio to scroll and the mic if i copy another pulse configuration and add pulse mixer. Then i can right click on the volume icon I and am able to set input or output and scroll on either sound or mic. If i use the jakoolit script all audio works the way it should. I think it’s more than just the hyprland.conf file. There’s something else not quite right i think. :thinking:

I am using the default audio that is installed with eos.

Also when i install with no desktop and try to git clone the script it asks for a password so i have to install kde and i can do it no problem. I’m not sure why.

If i use sudo it does open up a window with the error messages.

Edit: After doing this it opens now from the menu.



I am using wireplumber. And this is what it takes to control volume:

        "on-click": "wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ toggle",
        "on-scroll-up": "wpctl set-volume -l 1.5 @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%+",
        "on-scroll-down": "wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%-",

I haven’t been able to get scroll on the volume trying these but then again maybe I’m not doing it right. :man_shrugging:


Finally i got this working thanks to everyone’s suggestions and help. It’s possible there’s more than one solution. I found i was editing the wrong file. Now it’s working for scrolling the volume and if necessary i can also right click and change the mic volume which wasn’t as much of a concern.

Here’s another post:


@mbod I use the same wpctl code for my wireplumber module as well. The pamixer was for the old pulseaudio module which I no longer use, since arch defaults to pipewire these days.

Anyone tried ML4W script ? how it is ?

Yeah, it works pretty good. Easy to install, and has lots of eye candy options. Creates a lot of duplicate/symbolic links though that I find off putting. Files in ~/Downloads, ~/home, and in ~/.config directories,

Once you get used to navigating the various hypland and waybar configs, it provides a very pleasant Hyprland experience, for those wanting to get up and running quickly with minimal fuss.

If you guys wanna contribute to it you can fork and send pull requests imma accept them


Redblizard is inactive , he may check forums but he is focusing on his work so i will be handling stuff until he comes again and be active again


Just tried it (Ml4W) here as well on a fresh install of EOS with no desktop environment. Working very well, very smooth on older hardware and tons of eyecandy for sure.

somehow… cool qt theme what is this?

I’m not sure? I’ve never really understood the qt or gtk talk. I just never think about this stuff. This is what ever they have set up in the RedBlizzard script.

It’s another script (ML4W) that will install Hyprland or qtile with a much different config then the RedBlizard one. Also has an update script as well. Probably one of the nicer setup scripts for new users that aren’t familiar with editing all the configs (hyprland) as there is a user panel that let’s you change waybar styles, nwg-look configs, wallpaper, blur, rounded corners, shadows etc…

I already know that. I’m not sure if that’s what @joekamprad was asking about because he asked about one of my posts. :thinking:

Edit: I have installed and tried that one you are referring to.

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i was only talking about the theme used on the BTRFS-assistant indeed :wink:
looks like it uses kvantum theme

You can always openly contribute to make it better by forking the enos hyprland

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You can always send a pull req i am there to accept

I’ll work after 14 , was gonna install gentoo but a waste of time for me so gotta go for arch only witj enos mirrors

You are probably right. But i know little about kvantum. It’s not actually a package would install myself.