Favourite Lesser Known Programs

Thanks for reminder about sozi!! I was meant to try that our several months ago… Will have to check it out at some point

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I didn’t do anything special, when you right click on the widget go to “Configure Audio Device Switcher” and you have the display options: full text or icons only (see below):

Maybe the widget you use is not the same version ? I installed mine with “Add new Widget”, then on the widget panel I selected “Get New Widgets” (at the bottom) , “Download new Plasma Widgets” and finally I searched for “Audio Device Switcher”.
You can also download directly the same version from the KDE store at : https://store.kde.org/p/1195707


that’s how I got mine, strange I’ll look into the configuration more.

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Could you please open a new thread for troubleshooting this “Audio Device Switcher”?

This thread is for showcasing favourite lesser known programs, and if you pollute it with chitchat about specific issues, the showcased programs get lost in the noise.


I’m currently trying out the WPS office suite. I’m guessing for those who use Linux productivity software they’ve probably heard of it before but I only knew about libreoffice till recently :joy: I’m a bit confused on the licensing about it since I’ve seen some say it’s FOSS but it appears to only offer a binary? In any case, I like it more than libreoffice so it may be worth checking out for those looking for an alternative.

EDIT: Install via yay -S wps-office


Only office - yes, since they have GitHub source code

WPS is partially, it has EULA and comes from China, so use with triple-caution…
However with WPS i know for a fact that it’s super-compatible, i’ve used it for years on Windows and it saved me a lot of times :slight_smile:

Only office needs some testing on that part, but i really like it so far! :partying_face:


I meant I was confused about WPS, but thanks for clarifying that for me and others here :slight_smile:

Will have to give Only Office a try too :smile:

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Used to use WPS Office on my laptop (windows install) Many moons ago, may give it a try again. Though I’m not sure if it will beat Only Office in my books.


I don’t believe WPS is open source. I think they offer a free version which is what is in AUR.


Probably no use to anyone but me, but I can control our satellite TV box from a terminal (Sky UK).


The possibilities for confusion abound - can I use it to control YOUR Sky box from here? :grin: There you are, watching whatever - and suddenly there’s Lewis Hamilton leading another Grand Prix…


Well I would certainly not be watching F1, rather watch queuing traffic on a motorway :rofl: Boring…

Not always - but pretty much this year! Of course - if the motorways haven’t changed there’s always some bloke in an old Rover trying to block the right lane so people don’t speed so much!


I use bpytop these days. It’s from the creator of bashtop and in the description it says they are going to be going away from bashtop because python is easier to code. Check out their github for more info. I’m sure it’s fine and won’t go anywhere, but when I read it I figured I’d move with the creator


Thanks, it is in the AUR, feels snappier.


I’ll add a +1 for restic here, it’s been brilliant for me.
I had been using duplicity with an rsync back-end for backup, and it works, but was slow.
Restic ticks a few boxes for me:

  • Incremental changes backed up, so updates are quicker.
  • Snapshots can be managed nicely.
  • Encrypted format, so I don’t have to use encrypted media (nicer for potential restores)
  • Speedy as all get out, I think because it is more like streaming blocks, not per-file updates.
  • Been reliable for me so far.
  • One I didn’t know about initially, but is brilliant: you can mount the repo, cd to the snapshot you want, and just copy over whatever’s of interest.

On that latter note, that was my later stage in moving distros (to EOS). Bulk copy from my home partition, then mount again later for finding selected settings and such that I wanted to keep post-install to the new environment.


unified-remote-server (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/unified-remote-server/)

Paired with an iOS or Android app (Unified Remote) from the respective store transform your phone into a remote control. I use it in conjunction with VLC or youtube to control the player from my sofa. I use a wireless mouse and keyboard, so I could probably do without this, but I like having the buttons on a remote like this:
WhatsApp Image 2020-09-04 at 21.43.05


I started using OnlyOffice at the beginning of this year. Pretty good, inexpensive opensource option for small businesses.


I also use the AUR version but the GitHub page has more info on it, that’s all.

I also am a really big fan of only office. Is a little sparse on extras, but it’s by far the closest formatting to Word and even uses the .docx format.

I recently found this (maybe it is actually well known and I’m just living under a rock :neutral_face:), for the two games I installed, it works flawlessly. If anyone has been collecting their freebies, looks like a great alternative to running the awful Epic launcher through Wine.

It is available in AUR.