Favourite Lesser Known Programs

nvtop, a htop-like monitoring tool for graphic cards, support Intel GPUs with i915 driver, AMD GPUs with amdgpu driver and Nvidia GPUs with proprietary driver.


@ceph mentioned espanso, I have been using it for a while, but then it stopped working on Wayland, but the git version in AUR has been fixed :smiley:

This snippet emulates an Android style keyboard, auto-capitalizing after:

  - regex: ".  \\b(?P<one>[a-z])"
    replace: "{{UpperCase}}"
      - name: UpperCase
        type: shell
          cmd: "echo \". \" $ESPANSO_ONE | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]"
          shell: bash

I modified the work of Reddit user u/pseudometapseudo (their script corrected two capitalized letters at the beginning of a word).

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Not sure how unknown these are and not sure how many are in AUR. Here goes though.

Micro - text editor. Basically nano but more capable. If you’d like to learn vim or emacs but don’t want to put the time into learning those, use micro.

Kitty - terminal emulator. Quick, light light weight.

Stow - symlink farm. Very easy to set up symlinks. Great to use with dotfiles to put them all in one place.

TheFuck - if you accidentally misspell then instead of writing it again just write “fuck” and it will suggest something that is usually what you wanted.

Obsidian.md - note taking app. Has really changed my life, both work and outside of work. Markdown, lots of Plugins and Backlinks.

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…and you still won’t know how to use vim or emacs. :rofl:

But yeah, micro is a very decent text editor. Not lesser known, I would say, but also not nearly as common as nano, unfortunately.

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Oh, indeed.

I want to learn to use vim but to learn it just to edit a few config files is so overkill.

I guess it’s not unknown but I often run into people who never heard of it. Most people using Linux have heard about vim.

TL;DR (yeah, tldr is a program you can install :wink:).

But to the point:
A really quick and nice editor is adie from the fox package.

In a GUI environment, I prefer featherpad. It allows for root-edits, asking for a password to change files. From a tty I’ve always been used to use nano. Simple and quick.


With wayland support :slight_smile:

I’m going to recommend below alacarte as the best replacement for menulibre, which is seeing some problems as an editor for the Xfce Whisker menu.

You may have discovered that menulibre no longer loads after you select the Edit Applications option in the Whisker menu’s right-click menu. Also, trying to launch menulibre from the terminal now generates an error message. Reinstalling menulibre, as suggested in the AUR comments, no longer solves the problem. menulibre has been flagged out-of-date in the AUR. While we wait for an update, you might install menulibre manually, and these instructions actually do work on EdeavourOS:

However, you might prefer to stay within the Arch ecosystem. One alternative to menulibre is appeditor:


I tried appeditor, and it was terribly buggy. I found the graphical glitches unacceptable, so I moved on.

Another alternative to menulibre is alacarte, which may have been the original menu editor for the Xfce Whisker menu. To my surprise, alacarte is still being developed. The Xfce variant of alacarte (3.42) in the AUR is working very well for me (although it lags alacarte 3.44by a minor update):


I find that alacarte-xfce provides all of the important functionality that menulibre provided, and it actually loads in a window that respects your Xfce theme, so alacarte-xfce is my recommendation for a menulibre replacement.

Whichever replacement for menulibre you install, you’ll want to change the default menu editor in Whisker menu Preferences. On the Commands tab, after Edit Applications, simply change menulibre to alacarte, for example, or search for, and select, whichever menu editor you have installed.


Recently discovered a good hierarchical note-taking application called CherryTree.

You can organize your notes into a tree structure. Notes can be in plain text or rich-text format. You can even add code into it with basic syntax highlighting.

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it has great encryption feature too.

I am currently using Joplin and loving it so far.

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+1. This is offered for Windows as well, it’s a shame they had to stop selling it. It used to be buggy, had problems with “mutex” lock on 32-bit Ubuntu Studio while I opened web browser to read the help file. Also the Ogg Vorbis player was buggy. But that was left behind in v2.0 and now it’s my problem that it’s clunkier than a few other music programs that I use via Wine…

I don’t recommend getting this program via the AUR. The original Russian site doesn’t bite and doesn’t spy on people!

There is a lot of good stuff here for lovers of electronic music:

[https://soundcloud.com/sunvox](Sunvox on Soundcloud)

I am using joplin as well. Main reason is, that joplin also works on mobile devices (ios, android) and it can store its data via webdav. That enables easy sync between PC and mobile phone. I haven’t seen any other app that supports this.

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@MindTheGAAP @mbod

I did come across joplin as well but decided not to use it because it’s been flagged “out-of-date” in the AUR. Are you guys running a flatpak version or…?

I use simplenote - syncs to my phone:

It is the only electron app I use regularly.


According to Joplin’s release page 2.8.8 is the latest release version - same as in AUR. There are 2.9.* packages, but they are also marked prerelease.

PS: Personally I use joplin-appimage, building the other versions was always a little bit of a pita.

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I am using joplin-appimage 2.8.8-1
and version 2.8.8 is still the official appimage version as of https://joplinapp.org/help/#desktop-applications

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whats the man page or how to see possible commands? I can’t seem to find on their github.

I just installed it but not sure how to use it LOL

Hmmm, don’t think tre does a coloured tree, the github is:

To get a coloured tree, pass a -C to the command:

tree -C
tree -fC
tree -dC

As examples.

tl;dr Remap keyboard input

So, I got beverage spilled over my keyboard, and the down/right arrow keys behave a little bit flacky even after cleaning. But I wasn’t ready to shell out hard cash for a new mechanical keyboard after a day or two, therefore I searched for workarounds. Enter keyd [1].

It is a lightweight tool which allows you to remap keyboard input and even extend it through overlays and macros. With that it’s easy to get a “hold Caps Lock and hit ‘h j k l’-vim-style to emulate the arrow keys” going. Which is … actually more useful than always moving your hands from the home row to the arrow keys in the first place.

After getting started you quickly add more shortcuts. The configuration is not the most intuitive but approachable enough. I think I like it. :+1:

It’s available in the AUR as keyd.

[1] https://github.com/rvaiya/keyd