Favourite Lesser Known Programs

cat for Markdown files. It’s practically useless, completely unnessary, and I use it all the time. :smile:

A GTK frontend to mpv. I found it after getting fed up with one of Parole’s (Xfce’s default media player) many, many bugs. It’s clean, runs great, and even has a couple of surprisingly helpful settings, like enabling / disabling client-side decorations.


Speaking of client-side decorations, I don’t like them. They’re a massive eyesore IMO, especially when I’m using a WM that doesn’t show header bars, like bspwm. gtk3-nocsd fixes this by moving menu items down and removing the client-side decorations with a very small number of issues. It’s also actively maintained.

Another program that accomplishes the same purpose in a different fashion is gtk-mushrooms - currently looking for a maintainer, it’s a patched version of GTK.

Cool modular browser with a completely unique engine. Lightning fast, but lacks proper Javascript support.

Colorful hex viewer.

For those bad at regular expressions.

Command-line calculator - faster than starting up a Python console, and with much better syntax / functions / division than bc or similar.

Backs up your system before any upgrades. Regardless of whether you already use Timeshift or not, this is worth checking out.

gotop / ytop
Somewhat of a middle ground between htop and bashtop.


Count me in! That is so cool! :star_struck:


As someone who is more lazy than bad at regex (then again, why not both?), this looks like it might be useful when I couldn’t be bothered figuring out how to put together the right expression.

Qalc is awesome. I used to use it all the time, before I discovered I could write my own custom .bcrc for bc (Basic Calculator, the old UNIX utility), implementing advanced stuff like Bessel functions into my bc. I with a good config file, nothing beats the good old bc. If there is a need, I could write a tutorial on how to pimp your bc.

I don’t think Celluloid is a lesser known program, it’s about as well known as SMPlayer. Depending on whether you mainly use Qt or GTK, these two are the best media players in existence (because they both run mpv), in my opinion. VLC deserves to be left on some road construction site and forgotten about.


Nope, find me anything else which can read DVD / Blu-Ray menus and i’ll consider your offer :laughing:

But for anything else i agree :slight_smile:

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SMPlayer can read DVD menus. It’s still experimental though, and a bit rough around the edges.


https://regexr.com/ is also pretty helpful for more complicated regexs, especially if I actually have to get it right.

Yeah, I wasn’t sure whether to put it on the list or not. It took me an unfortunately long time to discover…



Well…When choosing between two i think i’d prefer VLC though, however it’s good to know :+1:

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Its in the AUR now as gtk3-classic, packaged by @jonathon, not sure about the upstream maintenance situation though.


Classic is “more” maintained than Mushrooms, but only because me and Luke Horwell have made the existing patches work. Tomasz Gąsior is the one who actually knows how the stuff works, and he uses GNOME now. :frowning:

(Which reminds me… gtk3-classic now updated to 3.24.23 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)


Hey @j-james I’m liking the Linux version of this netsurf. Thank you for sharing with us. :slight_smile:


Maybe I’m biased as the maintainer, but I really do love instawow.
It is a utility to be able to manage World of Warcraft addons and is available for Linux, Mac, and Windows.




No dice - no slicer support, just like the others. I also removed WPS Office because I don’t like the EULA - maybe if I can better figure out guwf - I can maybe block it to be safer but :expressionless:

I don’t know why the other suites don’t support those functions :expressionless:


If all you need is basic excel and word precessing, only office is my favorite by far since the formatting if someone else must use something you send on official Microsoft office is nearly identical. Libre office is much more feature rich though.


I ended up giving up on only office. It had this weird buy where most times when I would try to open something it would just stick at a loading screen until I closed it and loaded it again. Only occasionally would it actually open a spreadsheet first time. I like the UI of WPS but it not being FOSS and having its origins in China make me fairly paranoid. I’ve tried giving LibreOffice a go, but I can’t stand its interface. For now if I’m on my Linux machines I am mainly using Google Sheets when I need to do something spreadsheet related.


That’s weird, i don’t have that :thinking:

Me neither :thinking:

Same, its ribbon is way too cluttered for my minimalist self.
Hopefully though Only Office will work for you soon enough, maybe with the next update perhaps…

im founded a editor even i dont know if that is a editor :slight_smile:

howl :slight_smile:
also nice for @joekamprad :slight_smile:

Yeah, and it’s only with spreadsheet files it seems. Other files seem fine. I doubt the spreadsheets are all that problematic as they’re fairly simple CSVs and not that big ( < 10MBs).

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