I am sure they will eventually be fixed. Like I said it is just a workaround. I haven’t noticed any adverse effects yet. I guess I should say use at your own risk.
Added plank…works.
Quake terminal after one of the latest updates became huge. Still can’t be resized though…
Does it do that with the panel docked to the bottom? That is the maximum setting as far as vertical goes. I can’t test this as mine works.
Unfortunately still no luck There was a bunch of Deepin updates recently so I hoped something has changed, but I don’t see anything. Even bugs seem to stay the same.
It is stable though, so I have no right to complain.
Yes this is Deepin based on Debian.
This needs to go into an other OS category. Just saying
Your right…! Just showing the Multitasking works, Terminal what ever size?
For me, Deepin is quite similar to Windows in convenient handling.
now that you mention it, i can also do this on cinnamon
Currently they are forming a completely new team for community editions, switching internal development from gitlab to gerrit, coordinating among different teams in different parts of China (the DDE apps development works are actually distributed to like 5 or 6 physical locations currently), improving (actually, ensuring) quality control rules, all at the same time. So it’s very likely to improve but not instantly visible, at least the current known bugs are not going to be fixed really fast.
One good news this time, in case you didn’t notice: We are adding CI on GitHub for Arch (https://github.com/linuxdeepin/dde-launcher/pull/69) and if it works, we are likely to enable it for all relevant repos.
Thank you for the inside info and welcome on the forum.
Hi @felixonmars
Much respect and welcome
Thank you
(Actually I didn’t know this forum until the name EndeavourOS pops up so many times on the Manjaro forum these days. Sorry for showing up here so late )
Can you make a package
Its just a bunch of desktop files
Take them from lxqt-kcm-integration-extra and only rename lxqt to deepin
TL;DR Generally I would not recommend using KCM in conjunction with DDE. There are known conflicts (like accidentally setting window decoration etc in KCM but cannot set back) and the DDE team will not provide any support for it.
Now after a quick look of lxqt-kcm-integration-extra’s desktop files, I see some of them are covered by dde’s own settings like appearance (not so much customizable, unfortunately), bluetooth, screenlocker, sddm (actually lightdm), systeminfo, printer-manager; some are not generally recommended to edit manually like kwinsettings; and some has standalone alternatives, like fcitx/fcitx5’s standalone config tool.
DDE is meant to be a full featured DE just like KDE Plasma so generally speaking it’s not really a good idea to use another DE’s configuration panel to tweak its settings.
So when is deepin gonna provide option to tweak kwin
Or it is gonna remain how it is
Or is it gonna fork kwin and remove all customization.
Which even an idiot wont do.
They just need to fork systemsettings
so it does not pull a bunch of (41) unneeded packages.
Well you dont need systemsettings but you need
Kde cli tools and plasma-workspace lib