Deepin features

As for the rest yes :crazy_face:

:confounded: :flushed: How ?

Edit: I can launch it from the terminal.

You may also like bashtop it reads my cpu temperatures perfectly…

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Screen Capture_20200702205323


How to get transparency?

Let me play with it some more. :face_with_monocle: Deepin that is…I don’t want to give you an unstable solution.

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It’s definitely working better now. No freezing without window effect.

It is bugged again. Open quake and then hit alt and then click on the bottom bar and then drag.

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You will need to install systemsettings for this. It is a good size amount of packages to make a few tweaks but they work. You will also lose the rounded boarders on deepin apps. If you are still interested I will post the rest.

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What do i need this for? I installed it but don’t notice anything.

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You wanted to know how to have transparency…

Go here uncheck blur.

Screen Capture_20200704182008 .

Then in terminal change the theme settings…
.Screen Capture_20200704182318


Screen Capture_20200704182356

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I can’t find those settings. Desktop Effects?

You need to run the systemsettings application you installed.

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I didn’t know what it was. Why are they using KDE stuff in Deepin?

Maybe they wanted something that worked? :grin: After all, I understand they’ve gone to kwin for wm and effects…

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systemsettings is not used by deepin normally. However, since they are using a fork of kwin, the plasma window manager, @BONK is using systemsettings to tweak the kwin settings beyond what dde supports.


Still doesn’t work for me on fresh arch install. Is it just me, does it work for everyone else? :thinking:
I didn’t install systemsettings again and am not going to most likely, 40+ useless otherwise deps is a bit too much…

Few things i have found useful with systemsettings so far…

  1. You can remove blur.
  2. You can change the window title bar button and bar style. I used plastic. This removes the overly rounded borders on the deepin apps.
  3. You can add several other changes depending on your needs, window animations etc. Most importantly @tasia you can add additional vitual desktops! Simply start kde system settings and then select workspace behavior, virtual desktops, and then click the add button. SO far I have increased it to 4 not sure if more can be added. They can then be acessed via the super+right arrow left arrow combination.
    I also think changing the window title bars and buttons to plastic allowed me to be able to resize the quake terminal.

Actually I like to think of it as using system settings to access features of deepin that work but you don’t have any other way to access at the moment. A workaround if you will.

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Maybe we are not meant to access those settings? What I’m afraid of is that it can introduce even more issues and at that point it won’t be easy to distinguish between Deepin specific bugs and those that were caused by interfering with the settings the DE natively offers…