Curious about general consensus of DE among Endeavouros users?

Yes even an Arch install of Plasma is Wayland and so are many other distro’s. It doesn’t matter to me as long as it works well. I like X11 and i don’t have a problem with it. I think it will be around for years to come. Whether you choose to use it or not is by choice. Is it going to totally disappear? I don’t think so. Not for some time in my opinion. Maybe some distro’s will only have Wayland and not have X11 installed. So be it that’s their choice. I’ll stick with X11 until i have no choice although i don’t mind running Wayland once in a while to see how it’s progressing.

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That would be very bad idea to drop xwayland even in the long run, because that would require rewrite of 100% of all Linux software ever made… :exploding_head:

Wayland is not drop-in replacement, it’s very different to X11 in terms of software development, xwayland should never go away therefore.

Yes, it could be (with plasma-wayland-session).
But this is not the same as dropping Xorg completely as they are planning to do.
You can still have a xorg session on Arch KDE or GNOME for that matter.
If/when xorg is dropped, you are left to use xwayland as a compatibility layer to run legacy X11 applications. No xorg session will be there anymore.

Well whatever the case. I’m not an expert on any of it. I’m just saying some may go the way of Wayland but i don’t believe that will be the case for all. :man_shrugging:

I guess Fedora will die as a distro. A pity, it was pretty good.



Indeed. Every word in that article is utter :ox::poo:

For example:

In other words, by utilizing Xwayland, users can run their favorite X11 applications without needing to be rewritten or adapted for Wayland.

Xeyes or STFU.


I guess Fedora will die as a distro. A pity, it was pretty good.

Well, if you can’t run Xeyes (or an equivalent), you don’t have a functional desktop. Even if you don’t have a practical use for Xeyes, think of it as a unit test, a simple check of functionality, a basic capability other more complex software can depend on. Even on windoze you can get global coordinates of the mouse pointer, as well as absolute coordinates of the application window.

It’s a lot like having a CPU that cannot divide.

Or an Nvidia card. :laughing:

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Much worse than that, at least Novidea is fully functional, albeit in a scummy, proprietary way. Wayland is like having a new computer and always keeping it turned of, for security. It’s not even a good paperweight.

I know there are many people who have different visual field defects/restrictions, that’s why xeyes helps them to find a mouse cursor in multiple monitors.

I suspect that Wayland developers don’t know about that. Wayland lacks some feature like How to get a mouse position or wl_pointer.get_cursor() because I did not find a feature ticket in official Wayland Gitlab or nobody reported it.


It’s like a :clown_face: without a wig!


Exactly. One expects some minimal functionality out of clowns, the same way one expects some minimal functionality out of a display server.

While I fully agree with you about the usefulness of Xeyes (it’s not just a fun gimmick), this isn’t even about Xeyes, it’s about a crippled feature set (not only regarding mouse coordinates, but also keypresses, clipboards, UI automation, remote desktop, screen readers, screenshots and recording…) that is presented as a security feature (while in reality does very little to improve security).

It’s like not allowing your computer to connect to the internet, because the internet is not safe.

Wayland is simply not ready for wide adoption, and any distro that tries to force it will probably die.

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Well, to be honest it’s best security model.
Problem is nobody would want to use that… :rofl:


  • Security: XWayland is an X server, so it does not have the security features of Wayland
  • Performance: XWayland has a nearly identical performance to that of X11. In some cases you might notice degraded performance, especially on NVIDIA cards.
  • Compatibility: XWayland isn’t fully backward compatible with X11. Some applications may not work properly under XWayland.


That to me is the ultimate showstopper.
Like i’ve said previously, nobody can realistically fully get rid of xwayland in forever - so the whole idea of Wayland just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever therefore.

I’d much rather like to see some drop-in replacement for X11, with improved codebase that devs would enjoy to work with.

That’s Wayland philosophy in a nutshell. It’s like the UK banning potato peelers because there is a knife violence problem.

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Wayland will have hdr support, x11 not sure … :sweat_smile:

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Like Xeyes… :eyes:

Those who are willing to give up Xeyes in favour of HDR deserve neither.

– Benjamin Franklin (probably)

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There is no HDR support yet period! There is support for xeyes. Just not on Wayland.

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