Can't Install EndeavourOS Cassini on Mac Book Pro 5,3 (15 inch 2009 2.66ghz)

Hi. Would you provide a link to get EOS 22.9? All links I’ve found just brings me back to getting 22.12 to download. I’ve been getting the same errors as initially posted here using a Macbookair 3,2 v:, UEFI: Apple v: date 06/13/2019

Until, if so done, the next updated 22.12 ISO is set to overcome this issue, using 22.9 might get me to start using EndeavourOS on the macbook. Still trying to figure out/find the right steps to get samba to work…samba is keeping me on Manjaro where they have a package download that just works.

It’s no issue if you install it Online, the only thing that will be outdated its if you install it offline, or the liveISO which is Artemis Nova. Online instalation gets you Cassini (22.12), just some stuff like Budgie installs it with Nautilus instead of Nemo, but you can configure that yourself; or install it with no GUI, and then use eos-packagelist --install (whatever DE you want) then configure it to launch a DM like Lightdm or GDM, then reboot; and youll get 22.12 as it comes from the Repos. But here is where you can find old EndeavourOS installers. EDIT: Removed link, Follow the next comment from Pudge to get it from the Endeavour Official Repo.

You will need a torrent program like qbittorrent.

Go to any of the EndeavourOS mirrors listed in
for example


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That one works too. Thank you @Pudge

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Plus it is not 3rd party.


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Yep, Its official! Thanks for the link.

Thanks for the feedback. The issue I’m having is it won’t boot at all to the live user. It’s the panic error. I’ll give it a shot as 22.9, let the rolling release update happen.

Trust me, it works.

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Thanks Pudge
I wasn’t sure which was the official list so i didn’t want to throw up a link that was not right!

Aby solution? I have the same problem on my old intel laptop (no Mac).
I also tried to install Void in the same time which also uses dracut. It works fine until I update system to newest kernel. Don’t know why but it looks like the combination dracut + kernel above 5.19.10.
Finally I installed pure arch (in arch way) and everything works fine with newest kernel so it looks more like dracut problem.

Are you sure about that? Given that rEFInd is present, and that the USB will show up as an option to boot from, have you tried it that way?

Just curious - don’t know for sure, but someone seemed to suggest that might work (if it matters, as the result can be achieved by upgrading an Artemis install).

Sorry. I do not understand your comment,

Yes I can take an Artemis Nova 22-09 ISO and install it and while doing the online install of KDE it installs to the latest packages, which is Cassini. It’s a rolling release remember.

As to trying to install Cassini ISO, I have not idea what rEFInd is and don’t care. When I boot on a Mac using the Option key at power up, I have 2 choices, SSD or USB. No sub-choice under USB of EFI or other. So I get what the Mac picks for the USB and that bring me to the menu to pick regular or Nvidia. Then I get the kernel panic. If I use the Cassini ISO on the Ventoy USB, then I do have a choice of Normal and grub2. Grub2 works.

In my case having systemd-bootloader is a don’t care since I have to have grub for btrfs snapshot booting.

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what @freebird54 wants to clear is that if you have the refind bootloader installed from current system OS, it should be that this none will show an option to boot from the usb too and someone before mentioned that he was able to boot the ISO from that without the kernel panic…

Yes what @freebird54 is trying to say is have you tried installing rEFInd on the current install of EndeavourOS. It’s very simple to install.

yay -S refind 

Then run


Then boot on refind you should have an option to boot on usb to boot Cassini.
It worked for another user so interesting if it works for you.

I was asked that awhile ago and I tested it but refind made no difference to me. Since it’s highly unlikely that I’d ever use refind I have not investigated further. I have messed with Ventoy, which is a way to work around the problem for me. See My issue

Okay then … wasn’t sure you tried it. I have used rEFInd before but no Mac’s. :wink:

Sadly right now no solution for the 22.12 installation iso, but The current workaround is to get a 22.9 ISO, and install it with the ONLINE installer. (In case you want budgie, Install no GUI, and then use eospackagelist --install Budgie-Desktop and then configure EOS to launch from lightDM so you can use it, so it installs it with NEMO instead of Nautilus)

Hi everybody!

Just wanted to hook in and say that I have the same problem:
Can’t boot from the 22.12 USB installer with the error message saying that “Initramfs unpacking failed: ZSTD-compressed data is corrupt”
Here on an mid 2010 iMac 27".

The “workaround” with the 22.9 installer doesn’t work for this machine. I can boot it and I can start the installation but it fails at the end not being able to write the boot loader or something similar like that. There is a thread about that topic here, but I didn’t refind it today… (Debian works fine, Manjaro works fine, Garuda also is not able to write the boot loader)

So I am waiting for the next version or some kind of update.

I am a bit sad, cause EOS was, after trying most of the Arch Distros, my prefered choice! And now it just doesn’t work on the machine I am trying to install it! :weary: Tested the distros on another computer… Bummer!


It seems the only solution is to use artemis Nova installer and Install it with “Online mode”.
Other solution is to install it without a Graphical interphase and download theEnviroment you want via the eospackage command… I dunno if this will be fixed but that workaround I did worked for me.

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Problem still exists on Cassini neo.
