Call me crazy... but

im not mean to people about it, i explain the issue, the consequences, and show them how they can help to avoid it. If they do it they do, if not then they dont, Im not going to attack someone for their decision but i also will make sure they know full well what happens in the end.

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No, what I mean is just use it in front of their nose. Then you might get a reaction like, “Oh, wow, that looks cool, what is it?”

Thats how most of my family is using Linux now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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(*edit, also @Echoa)

Ya make it sound like by using a Chromium based browser, we are assisting in the construction of the grand dystopia.

Its a browser.

Last time I checked, we all have the power to decide where we spend money, what information we provide and to whom we do so, and if the present is any window to the future power and capabilities of any structured government/business… I think it would be safe to say, they aren’t exactly capable to building anything close to the doomed-be-all world a lot of people claim is coming.

They can’t figure out how to make a single decision in full agreement…

So, pour a drink of your favorite whatever ya like, and lets just friggin smile while we have air in our lungs.

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It is different to use WhatsApp or something else out of necessity for whatever reason in order not to exclude yourself in certain areas, or whether you voluntarily install one of the biggest data collectors on your Linux computer. You can no longer claim to have understood the Linux idea.

what worries me is to where the entire world is heading, I mean, not only about big techs…

when you say free, when you say ‘I can’t avoid my data being taken and sold’…
what about your life? your personal choices in all aspects of it…
i can’t go into a gym, or a restaurant because i’m not vaccinated… how that happened?

these things, less freedom and less privacy, they happen in little steps…
one day… you won’t even notice, and boom…

TSE (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral), kind of a election tribunal in Brazil, starts to monitor whatsapp groups for ‘fake news’ during election period…
STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal), creates a #VerdadesdoSTF (#trueoftheSTF), which now means that they will tell you what is true and what is not… Tag you as a lier in some circustances…

I’m not saying that you should think like me, I’m just saying how I do fell today… something like, “you better shut up or we will find you wherever you are” kind of feeling.

i suppose this ‘problem’ that i personally believe exists, goes much beyound big techs…

And I welcome you to 1984…

Any moderator that feels like to flag this post, i won’t bother, i can delete it, but i really felt like i need to speak about this… and sorry in advance in case it gets flagged.

Thats the thing, “last time you checked”

The amount of power and information Big Tech has is staggering and to think itll be easy to take that back is foolish.

As I posted earlier, not every website has full functionality in Firefox, it’s rare but they exist.

Let avoid making this too political shall we? thats a can of worms i dont think this forum is good for.


Can you prove otherwise?

@anon49550872 let’s not go there :wink:


already finished, no more talking about it, i released the kraken from inside already :stuck_out_tongue:


Im use to some folks responding that way. He’s free to see me as some Dystopian doomsayer but imo bladerunner is looking more like real life than fiction every day :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Is Google taking money out of your wallet? They havent taken a cent from me.

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You do realize that the “idea” of linux was “to try to build a functional kernel that would actually run on hardware” Nothing more than that. Reading more into that as the “idea” of linux is simply wrong. The modern “idea” of linux is simply “An OS that runs on some form of computational device and allows for it to be used for a purpse”. It’s not meant to be some revolution. That’s the FSF. Linux, while it is closely aligned with FSF on somethings, ISN’T a division of the FSF. Some people ONLY use linux because Windows is ugly and Mac is stupid expensive. They don’t CARE about ideals. They just want to be able to hit the power button and work. Linux is EVERY BIT as much made for those people as for the idealists such as yourself. Saying someone “doesn’t get the idea of linux” because they just want to function is actually missing the idea of linux yourself.


Oh you guys. Hey, have a great night. :nerd_face:

As I said before: naive! :roll_eyes:

Ive already made my argument and you very obviously dont see an issue. I wont try to convince you otherwise as you dont want to be.

That said you could argue theyre stealing money from you by selling your data. That is information about you that YOU should own and profit from but you dont make a single cent from it. They do this through the guise of their services which people dont read the ToS and blindly agree to give this all away.


If you catch my drift… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I like ya homie. We cool.