Bootable pen with win11

Hey! I’ currently in EndevourOS and I wanted to dualboot with windows, but every app to make pen bootables work with every linux less Windows, what way works to make the pendrive bootable with Windows?

I don’t remember windows can be bootbale in live environment. Correct me if I’m wrong.

The only “solution” on top of my head is to have 2 drives, one with windows which you can pick to boot with each startup.

Solution 2: Use windows through Virtual machine within your full-linux environment. Detaching yourself with propietary software will earn you blessings from Richard Stallman (praise upon his name).

There were some hacky ways, not sure about specifically Windows 11…

However, why on earth do you need that?! To infect your friends by running Micro$oft spyware garbage on their computers?! :rofl:

I want Windows 11 to run games outside launchers like steam or epic games
Linux for everything else

You can easily do that with Lutris / Wine / Proton.

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wine is slow, only solution I fould was running on steam but steam dont launch games that are not bought there

lol…wrong conclusion - wine is very different, and comes in many different shapes and forms, i highly recommend you to read that guide.

Lutris + manual installation in custom portable prefix + any wine engine that you want:

  • wine
  • wine-staging
  • wine-GE
  • wine-tkg
  • Steam’s Proton
  • Steam’s Proton Experimental

sky is the limit.
It’s much more flexible way of doing things than any other launcher / store…

P.S. AHOY! :pirate_flag: :parrot:

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I’m gonna see this, thanks, ill still keep this open cuz I may have some problems with something about this

yeah, how I play games like those?? I have my sources but how do I play them in linux?

P.S: My sources use installers

It’s sometimes is, but it varies for each games.

If you have other games outside steam, try Heroic Launcher. It can put your games from GOG and EPIC to Steam library and using Steam version of Proton (Steam’s fork of Wine, to put it simply). I installed “relatively” recent games like Control and Football Manager which I bought from EPIC using Heroic which use Steam Proton 8.0.4 and it works like a charm*.

*there are minor issue which doesn’t hamper my experience at all.

For online games like Fallout 76, the experience is surprisingly better than it is in Windows for me (there is minor quirks that only happen in Linux).

I would say 70% of the times, it’s just works! (for older games), for newer games? Good luck! :alien:

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Read, don’t be impatient!
There’s basic 101 of how to create prefix, install .exe etc.

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Most of them work perfectly fine in first week of release or something.
There’s only one serious problem in Linux - online games with anti-cheat DRMs…

I tried to play The Finals and it crashed allways I opened

Even if it meant never again playing a vidya game, I still wouldn’t install windoze on any of my computers.

That said, I haven’t encountered a game I’m interested in, that couldn’t be coerced to work with wine. At least not recently…

I must admit I haven’t check it yet for recent titles that I bought. But I would I say, I mostly agree, and mostly thanks to Steam Deck.


Because it’s malware.

Forgot to tell you this Pablo:

Always Always check protondb:

The Finals is currently borked. If somebody can run this game or an update already pushed for the game the page would be updated.

Online games are often 50/50, especially competitive online games which usually has anti-cheat. Linux and anti-cheat has bad relations. Some games does not work to this day because of it.

Also to reiterate my previous suggestion:

If you want to install Windows, install through Virtual Machine with GPU pass through. I don’t know how to do it, somebody else would or you can watch youtube tutorials on how to set it up.

Not exactly, Microsoft sells A BUNCH of information, but it’s not malware

that thread is confusing, many many things