Arch/Endeavour OS - Is it ACTUALLY unstable? A one year review!

stat / | grep Birth
Birth: 2021-03-08 10:37:37.000000000 +0100


I love it! I’m not opposed to the installers honestly. My most recent Arch install was with archfi. I don’t really see hardly any difference had I done the whole process myself the Arch Way™. What DE are you on with that kind of stability?

You’ll get there eventually. You’re still kinda new, at least around here. I was like that for a long time. This year long install was because I kept doing similar to you. I wanted to try something different.

What DE if you don’t mind? I have a theory that I may have accidentally cheated by picking the most stable DE available.

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I used anarchy because it was my first time with an UEFI powered motherboard.

DE? February 2018 → June 2020: Mate-Desktop. Since Gnome 3.x/40.x.


I just tried MATE last week for the first time in a very long time. It’s a properly solid desktop experience, albeit a bit dated feeling. But if you’re someone who likes the traditional desktop, it’s a very solid option.

Interesting choice going from MATE to GNOME. That seems like quite the switch. I’m surprised to not see MATE to like xfce. Very well done in any regards though!

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For sure that is a good machine to get work done!


@Zircon34 @csteinforth We need to start a Thinkpad fan club at this point I think. I’m on my 3rd one, and I don’t think I would ever buy another computer at this point. I think my next up will be a P17 to replace my 15" Dell “home” computer. It can come with Ubuntu/RHEL, 17" UHD display, max ram of 128GB and up to 4TB of nvme space. It’s what nerd dreams are made of.


It’s as stable as it gets. I never had any major breakages (except those caused by my stupidity or out of curiosity, of course).



stat / | grep Birth
Birth: 2020-11-19 18:20:02.000000000 -0800

And that was a reinstall after I first decided to run Arch around Mid-Sept. (b0rked the install with too much fiddling) :slight_smile:

I think most of you know my past–nice to say that an nVidia update won’t totally destroy my system (nod to “certain” Debian Dev…cough—cough)

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stat / | grep Geburt
Geburt: 2021-03-13 22:38:26.000000000 +0100

Needed to install on my new SSD after my HDD crashed. So the culprit was not the OS. :wink:

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Ah, yes. Curiosity killed many a systems :slight_smile: I can relate.

April 16, 2020

Unfortunately I experienced some hardware trubbelz and didn’t have EOS on the same machine all the time but it was always installed at one or the other of my computers and served as my exclusive OS since that day.


So, it’s just a matter of time!

Birth: 2021-02-28 11:28:51.000000000 +0000

I reinstalled relatively recently after getting a little too trigger-happy installing different DEs on top of one another. I’d like to believe this one’s for keeps!

Birth: 2014-06-29 14:14:01.000000000 +0100

That’s not a “real” Arch install - it was Bridge Linux. Not even my first Bridge install - the first install was a couple of years earlier to a laptop that has long gone.

As to instability, that install is on an HP dc7900 Core2Duo machine, 6 GiB RAM, an old Seagate 500 GiB drive. Bought second hand in 2010. Prior to Bridge/Arch, it ran Salix. I still keep it around as a spare (not worth anything and useful for times when my current machine is down for any reason). I update it periodically. Seldom more than once a month, several times less than once in 6 months. A couple of times I’ve had minor problems doing an update, but nothing too difficult to fix. Never given me any trouble other than that…

I would bet that @Krimkerre could be into this, too. Even @Bryanpwo is a ThinkLad according to his badge, but maybe it has a different meaning (?)


I thought of buying the T14, but the 400-500 € more…I opted for the solid choice :sunglasses:

@fbodymechanic as for the stability: you can find my ONLY problems here and here.


I LOVE my t480s. I replaced my 16gb i7 3rd Gen X1 Carbon with it, and other than the audio on this thing being horrendous, it’s been a fantastic upgrade! This is only an i5 - but I had read a lot that between the i5 and i7 due to heat, there was negligible difference in performance anyway - and as you noted - like $300. I don’t plan on getting rid of this for many years to come.


Almost a year now, and before - a few years on Antergos. In my experience the Arch-based distros are solid as rock, and I use them for media production, so kind of stress-tests for any OS and hardware. To be honest I had more issues on Ubuntu and Mint in the past…
I loved Antergos, but when I build new machine and Antergos was gone - I replaced my OS with Endeavour and fell in love with it as well (but the very same installation of Antergos - now as ‘just pure Arch’, I believe - is still running on my old workstation, with no issues at all - my daughter using it).

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ANNNNDDD I spoke too soon. One year and 8 days, and something broke my user password. HAHAHA. A quick chroot, updated again, ran passwd user and I’m back in business. Go figure.

Anyway, thankfully that was nice and easy. It’s my own fault. I never should have said anything.


Funny, I had that yesterday, also, when running yay, and it refused my password. Killed the process, tried again, and away it goes…figured that the PAM or whatever it is that is used now must have been updating?

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