"zsh: killed mprime" - My mprime got killed

I installed mprime-bin from AUR because I want to stress my CPU cores to test them stability after using Curve Optimizer.

Since stress-ng won’t install for me (it gives me errors when installing via yay) I decided to give mprime-bin a try.

Unfortunately when starting the torture test, I get the following output with the last line being zsh killed mprime:

[Main thread Sep 7 17:16] Starting workers.
[Worker #2 Sep 7 17:16] Worker starting
[Worker #3 Sep 7 17:16] Worker starting
[Worker #4 Sep 7 17:16] Worker starting
[Worker #3 Sep 7 17:16] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #3 Sep 7 17:16] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #7 Sep 7 17:16] Worker starting
[Worker #2 Sep 7 17:16] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #2 Sep 7 17:16] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #9 Sep 7 17:16] Worker starting
[Worker #5 Sep 7 17:16] Worker starting
[Worker #10 Sep 7 17:16] Worker starting
[Worker #5 Sep 7 17:16] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #5 Sep 7 17:16] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #11 Sep 7 17:16] Worker starting
[Worker #1 Sep 7 17:16] Worker starting
[Worker #12 Sep 7 17:16] Worker starting
[Worker #7 Sep 7 17:16] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #7 Sep 7 17:16] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #8 Sep 7 17:16] Worker starting
[Worker #4 Sep 7 17:16] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #4 Sep 7 17:16] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #6 Sep 7 17:16] Worker starting
[Worker #6 Sep 7 17:16] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #6 Sep 7 17:16] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #12 Sep 7 17:16] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #12 Sep 7 17:16] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #8 Sep 7 17:16] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #8 Sep 7 17:16] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #11 Sep 7 17:16] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #11 Sep 7 17:16] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #9 Sep 7 17:16] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #9 Sep 7 17:16] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #1 Sep 7 17:16] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #1 Sep 7 17:16] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #10 Sep 7 17:16] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #10 Sep 7 17:16] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #2 Sep 7 17:16] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #5 Sep 7 17:16] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #7 Sep 7 17:16] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #8 Sep 7 17:16] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #12 Sep 7 17:16] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #11 Sep 7 17:16] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #3 Sep 7 17:16] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #10 Sep 7 17:16] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #4 Sep 7 17:16] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #1 Sep 7 17:16] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #6 Sep 7 17:16] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #9 Sep 7 17:16] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
zsh: killed     mprime

I use zsh, but other than that I have no idea why this happens.
stress.txt also never gets created.

Could someone assist me?

Looks like we got ourselves a murder!


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This is not

zsh killed mprime

zsh: killed mprime

Mind the colon.

In other words: zsh reports: killed mprime

I guess when you start it in bash the same may happen.

So perhaps you could rephrase the thread’s headline to: “My mprime got killed”, or something similar?

installed mprime and started a stresstest in bash. Looks pretty good.


Why shouldn’t it look good? I can imagine that on your system using zsh it looks good as well.

The question is what happens when @smokus does it in a bash shell.

Can you try with bash?

I meant, bash didn´t kill mprime on my Computer :rofl:

I know what you meant. My question was: what happens if you run mprime in a zsh shell on your system?

I am sorry, but how can I do that? When I execute commands from Terminal, they are automatically executed via zsh.

Issue the command bash and then you are in a bash shell.

Then run mprime as you did before.

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Why would it bring a different result?

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Ah lol. I thought it was more complicated…

Okay did it just now, and it got killed as well:

[smokus@smokus-linux ~]$ mprime
	     Main Menu

	 1.  Test/Primenet
	 2.  Test/Workers
	 3.  Test/Status
	 4.  Test/Continue
	 5.  Test/Exit
	 6.  Advanced/Test
	 7.  Advanced/Time
	 8.  Advanced/P-1
	 9.  Advanced/ECM
	10.  Advanced/Manual Communication
	11.  Advanced/Unreserve Exponent
	12.  Advanced/Quit Gimps
	13.  Options/CPU
	14.  Options/Resource Limits
	15.  Options/Preferences
	16.  Options/Torture Test
	17.  Options/Benchmark
	18.  Help/About
	19.  Help/About PrimeNet Server
Your choice: 16

Number of cores to torture test (12): 
Use hyperthreading (more stressful) (Y): 
Choose a type of torture test to run.
  1 = Smallest FFTs (tests L1/L2 caches, high power/heat/CPU stress).
  2 = Small FFTs (tests L1/L2/L3 caches, maximum power/heat/CPU stress).
  3 = Large FFTs (stresses memory controller and RAM).
  4 = Blend (tests all of the above).
Blend is the default.  NOTE: if you fail the blend test but pass the
smaller FFT tests then your problem is likely bad memory or bad memory
Type of torture test to run (4): 
Customize settings (N): 
Run a weaker torture test (not recommended) (N): 

Accept the answers above? (Y): 
[Main thread Sep 7 20:40] Starting workers.
[Worker #2 Sep 7 20:40] Worker starting
[Worker #5 Sep 7 20:40] Worker starting
[Worker #2 Sep 7 20:40] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #2 Sep 7 20:40] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #6 Sep 7 20:40] Worker starting
[Worker #4 Sep 7 20:40] Worker starting
[Worker #1 Sep 7 20:40] Worker starting
[Worker #5 Sep 7 20:40] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #5 Sep 7 20:40] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #8 Sep 7 20:40] Worker starting
[Worker #9 Sep 7 20:40] Worker starting
[Worker #10 Sep 7 20:40] Worker starting
[Worker #6 Sep 7 20:40] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #6 Sep 7 20:40] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #7 Sep 7 20:40] Worker starting
[Worker #12 Sep 7 20:40] Worker starting
[Worker #7 Sep 7 20:40] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #7 Sep 7 20:40] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #12 Sep 7 20:40] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #12 Sep 7 20:40] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #8 Sep 7 20:40] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #8 Sep 7 20:40] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #11 Sep 7 20:40] Worker starting
[Worker #10 Sep 7 20:40] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #10 Sep 7 20:40] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #4 Sep 7 20:40] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #4 Sep 7 20:40] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #3 Sep 7 20:40] Worker starting
[Worker #9 Sep 7 20:40] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #9 Sep 7 20:40] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #1 Sep 7 20:40] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #1 Sep 7 20:40] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #11 Sep 7 20:40] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #11 Sep 7 20:40] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #3 Sep 7 20:40] Beginning a continuous torture test on your computer.
[Worker #3 Sep 7 20:40] Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
[Worker #11 Sep 7 20:40] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #8 Sep 7 20:40] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #5 Sep 7 20:40] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #12 Sep 7 20:40] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #6 Sep 7 20:40] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #3 Sep 7 20:40] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #4 Sep 7 20:40] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #1 Sep 7 20:40] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #2 Sep 7 20:40] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #9 Sep 7 20:40] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #7 Sep 7 20:40] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.
[Worker #10 Sep 7 20:40] Test 1, 16000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M18474367 using FMA3 FFT length 960K, Pass1=768, Pass2=1280, clm=1, 2 threads.

I don’t think that zsh is the cause of the problem @smokus has.

Nevetheless, it is not bad to rule that out. Therefore, he should run mprime in a bash shell, in order to verify.

We have a double-homicide here!!!


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Since it got killed in bash as well, I’d say that isn’t the root of the problem.
However I am noob, so I may be talking out of my ass.

Now you know that this is not a zsh problem.

This is a clear indication that you have a problem with your RAM. Are you overclocking or did you do any other timing changes in the BIOS? I suggest you also check your RAM with memtest86+

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I’m only using them in the XMP mode as I always have. When I was on Windows I did numerous memtests with different tools, and I’ve never had any errors.

I assume you mean this package: memtest86+ ?
Or you mean the version where I need to make a bootable USB and run it like that?

Yes. When it is properly installed it is part of the boot menu and you can directly boot into it.

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