Xbox series x/s controller is not recognized

Hi guys!!! Before writing I have already read all about the driver and controller on this forum and also on an arch website.

I can’t use my controller either bluethoot or usb. I have tried any driver (xpad, xpadneo, xboxdrv) but none of them make my pc recognize the controller. I even updated the firmware of the controller through Windows. But nothing! My bluethoot does not find the controller in pairing mode, and when I use the usb cable and on the terminal dmesg |grep USB is not in the list. I really don’t know what to do, does anyone have any ideas?

I have already used this controller on this machine (with windows and fedora) without a dongle (using bluethoot on the motherboard). But this time it just doesn’t want to work.


Make sure you’ve selected Xbox controller within steam?

I have my Xbox series X controller working, without xpadneo-dkms I had issues with bluetooth but after I installed that the bluetooth wireless connection worked without any issues. When you connect it using usb does it not even show up when you run “lsusb”?

Here’s mine connected using bluetooth(bluetoothctl info):

Device 00:00:00:00:00:00 (public)
Name: Xbox Wireless Controller
Alias: Xbox Wireless Controller
Appearance: 0x03c4 (964)
Icon: input-gaming
Paired: yes
Bonded: yes
Trusted: yes
Blocked: no
Connected: yes
LegacyPairing: no

I can confirm that my Xbox elite controller 2 works with BT as well using xpandneo-dkms.

Device 00:00:00:00:00:00 (public)
	Name: Xbox Elite Wireless Controller
	Alias: Xbox Elite Wireless Controller
	Icon: input-gaming
	Paired: yes
	Bonded: yes
	Trusted: yes
	Blocked: no
	Connected: yes
	WakeAllowed: yes
	LegacyPairing: no
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With bluetooth you can use

With the wireless receiver or wired via usb

Edit: For some reason, didn’t see that you already tried xpadneo.

Okay, I tried the xpadneo-dkms again, instead of the git version, and now the usb recognizes the controller

Bus 003 Device 010: ID 045e:0b12 Microsoft Corp. Xbox controller

But bluethoot can’t see the controller. I don’t know if I got the bluethoot driver wrong, but it can see the devices I have at home, so I don’t understand why I can’t see the controller via bluetooth.

The git version hasn’t been updated since 2021.

Last Updated: 2021-04-03 00:38 (UTC)

You have to press the tiny top button at the top of your controller so that it goes into pairing mode, then you can do a rescan of your bluetooth devices using whatever graphical tool you are using for bluetooth.

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^ what @Cphusion said.

Yes, I know, I have tried many times, but bluethoot seems not to see the controller. I tried both with a cinnamon graphical tool and bluetoothctl from terminal, but it seems invisible.

And I have already tried disabling ertm (I read that it might help, but it doesn’t work).

Did you reboot your system after installing " xpadneo-dkms"?

Yes, I rebooted. But nothing changes

Do you have any bluetooth errors in your logs? if you type journalctl -a -p err or use dmesg. I know you mentioned you looked in dmesg for USB devices, but would be also good to check if bluetooth has any errors.

When you connect it through usb now, when you see the device. Are you able to game with it, so that the controller works when playing a game?

Also if you are using an onboard bluetooth receive it might be worth into getting a usb bluetooth receiver, I’ve read more than once that people had issues with the onboard bluetooth receivers.

Yes with the usb cable it works

Ok, i will give it a try, thanks!

Is it also working on games not in Steam? (e.g. Heroic etc.)

I tried to play Diablo 4 with lutris but the controller input doesn’t work. It recognizes it but the buttons don’t work. (With the cable)

Did you install xpad?