Xbox series x/s controller is not recognized

Yes it is installed

whereis xpad
xpad: /usr/src/xpad-0.4/xpad.c

Have you already done:

sudo systemctl enable --now bluetooth

Edit: ope, never mind. Looks like you’re already on to a new problem now, I missed a few replies

It’s baffling that this command is a thing tbh. It should’ve been plug and play.

I mean, should it be? I beg to differ. This is Endeavour, by way of arch. Not Linux Mint. This is full control of your operating system. Bluetooth is a protocol that can be insecure in some ways, and while I concede this is more of an issue for mobile devices, I like that it doesn’t make itself visible by default. I understand the “I want it to just work” sentiment, but that’s not what I came to EndeavourOS for. I like having to learn how things work before they “just work” you know?

I get your sentiment absolutely, it’s valid.

To me personally, basic function should work flawlessly out of the box. You can tweak by your terminal of course, but it should work out of the box. Especially when you use Desktop Environment.

To my knowledge, People that usually want to know how things works exactly usually installing vanilla arch, as in building the blocks by themselves.

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There’s validity to both of our points, but until they change something I guess we’re stuck using the command. At least us talking about it gives some visibility for the next person trying to figure it out.

As already mentioned before it’s most likely the onboard bluetooth receiver that is the problem. I actually wasn’t able to connect to my Xbox controller using bluetooth until I bough that asus bluetooth adapther, in general onboard wifi receiver are just crap.

I just tested it out, when I remove my usb bluetooth my controller 99% of the time it doesn’t show and and I can’t even connect when it does show up. When I put my bluetooth usb adapter back into my pc and then turn on my Xbox controller it instantly connects. I’m telling you it’s the onboard bluetooth receiver that is the problem, I’ve never had a decent bluetooth receiver on any of my motherboards. Get an Asus usb-bt500, the one I linked before and you will be able to connect using bluetooth.