Why use EndeavourOS now that Arch has an installer?

It worked great. I could use it to chroot into an install without any extra faffing about. I have not tried it in the 2 years since I moved over to Arch. So I can’t say if it still works today.

EDIT: A quick perusal of the Manjaro website, Manjaro Architect is no longer offered as an option for download.

I just tried it few days ago with Archcraft successfully. I won’t be using Manjaro anyway. :slight_smile:


I moved this thread to EndeavourOS pub instead of the general system category, especially considering the latest topic change this thread has taken. :wink:


I guess that’s why this section is called pub
it’s like sitting with friends in a pub and the chat turns this and that direction :slight_smile: I, personally, like that


because it’s still the same forums.

They justified this by saying that they lack a maintainer.

Some further information:

We had issues in manjaro-architect edition with stuck keys on tty, which could end wiping out users hard drive without warning. We could not release an iso with that issue naturally, so the manjaro-architect iso was horribly outdated and gained other issues as time passed. The version in other isos worked just fine. However, @philm wanted to drop those because manjaro-architect was going almost unmaintained (still working though, but not new features or bug fixes).

This is exactly what i get with this Arch installer and a lot of other installer scripts. Stuck keys … as far as I’m concerned it’s not for me. :unamused:

why I choose endeavouros is because I have
tried many distro which are full of apps I do not use
with endeavouros I can remove endeavouros repo at all
so I have pure arch
and so is endeavouros very mininal system
when i install endeavouros i only have 680 package install
I have tried manjaro, arcolinux, archcraft, ctlos, archman, Garuda, archlabs, Salient OS, reborn OS, snal linux, Hash Linux, anarchy linux
but I always come back to endeavouros.
big respect to endeavouros team.


The original creator is gone, and the other is always angry, also the architect script is/was to install Arch, not somewhat changed Manjaro. I posted links both the original aif (#51) and forked abif (#41) scripts in earlier posts here. One can read them through to check if they work today. I know that abif works, for I used it successfully just a few days ago. I suppose the method of installing Arch had not changed since 2013 or so. Enterprising people try to automate it for us. What’s nice here at Endeavour is the community!

my question … why use Arch :rofl: if you want fast easy install for quick project or test vm EndeavourOs is logical winner . they basically same ! That my opinion :innocent:


The quick and easy is very relative.
The last time I installed Arch took me less than 25 minutes

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Installing Arch isn’t hard but, for those who are unfamiliar with Arch, with the process of installing it, & maybe they don’t know much about partitioning or UEFI or the packages that are required. Maybe they don’t have that much experience with Linux in general? They are not used to the terminal? They haven’t much experience editing files then, i think makes it an obvious choice. Every individual is different. They come from different backgrounds and different experience and different knowledge. It’s all about learning, gaining knowledge and experience with something that is either unknown or new or different or unfamiliar. Everyone learns differently and everyone’s knowledge is different and also each of our abilities. EndeavourOS is a gateway to achieving something more through the use of the online installer and the community. It bridges the gap that some people need. It provides those who do have the knowledge the opportunity to help those who don’t. This is EndeavourOS. It provides challenges as well as opportunities.



about the same for me today. :rofl: you use what fit your need :+1: Arch way install no hard


Arch way to install is easy enough (once you learn what they leave out) - but the results are not as good as EnOS! So far, 3 of the 4 Arch way setups I have ended up with EndeavourOS repo added… I have grown used to the command-line goodies in the repo! I even use some of the Welcome app goodies sometimes too…


@ricklinux I think your comments miss the mark. I have used Linux since kernel 0.9x. Slackware 3.5 floppies downloaded with a 9600 modem. Can I set it up, yes. Do I want to, hell no. We are supposed to be evolving not forcing people to do it the way we did it 30 years ago. I believe people that want to learn will, those that do not will pass over a difficult distribution. Choices are good. No malice intended, ever.


I think you totally misinterpreted what i said. I’ve been around this long also and i am no expert by any stretch of the imagination. I’m just a normal user that has a lot of experience in a lot of different areas just like a lot of other users. What i was saying was yes Arch isn’t hard to install but a lot of people want to use EndeavourOS instead of another installer because they actually learn more from the forum and the community and the Endeavour!. Not the people who already know Arch but people who are coming here because they want to use Arch and don’t want to go install it the long way as it’s too much work or too difficult and or time consuming for someone who doesn’t know what’s involved or lacks the skill or confidence. I wasn’t saying the installer was something anyone should use. Not at all! So no i didn’t miss the mark. My thought is i don’t want to use an installer script at all for the reasons i stated. That’s why i said it’s obvious you would use EndeavourOS.

Anyone use calam-arch-installer? https://sourceforge.net/projects/blue-arch-installer/


i have try calam-arch-installer
you will get pure arch with calam-arch-installer


The easiest way to install vanilla Arch