Which privacy browser?

OK. FF is still a good choice on Desktop. But unfortunately they can’t make a good browser for mobile. I want to like it, so just 2 days ago I thought I give Fennec another try to see if it improved since I last used it. But nope, it’s still awful :roll_eyes:

I don’t care about mobile. It 's just a phone. Sure i don’t like Google but not going to spend my life worrying about it. Too many browsers in my opinion and most aren’t any good or secure and private. Will it ever be…i doubt it.

@ricklinux Fully agree!

I care more about mobile tbh because I do 95% of browsing on my phone those days.

Well i don’t like mobile. I’m a desktop user. Mobile is only if necessary.


Actually, the thing that bother me the most is that it WASN’T awful a few versions ago - and was my standard choice. Now, it is unusable :sob:

I guess we must be Brave…


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If you talk about the “old” version that was available until August 20 (IIRC) then I agree. This one was much better! But it was discontinued in favor of what was first called FF Preview, then Fenix and that became the awful browser we now have :frowning_face:

That one sort of usable - but I bailed earlier when they took out the code page choice and other things that I used constantly…

Zooming took a hit too, and with my old eyes… :grin:

For mobile (Android) Bromite seems to be one of the best out there.

Im sure it was already mentioned here:



  • Firefox bad
  • Brave bad
  • Chrome bad
  • Vivaldi bad
  • and many more

Use librewolf or ungoogled-chromium.

that person while partly correct does sound like they are wearing a fullbody tinfoil suit, if you catch my drift, some of the stuff they mention isnt even that accurate anymore.

Edit: meanwhile, they recommend a fork of an already heavily outdated fork of firefox (also made by the msot toxic people i have ever had the displeasure of talking to).
a fork that is also many months old, without a real name, barely reproducible.
yeah i dont trust this person and frankly i dont think anyone should.


Good thinking, you shouldn’t wear anyone else’s fullbody tinfoil suit…
You need your own :sunglasses:


double sided industry grade aluminum reusable foil baby


What are you talking about? If you talking about librewolf, librewolf is uptodate with firefox.

Something specific? This Site gets regular updates.

But nvm.

The Question was “wich privacy browser?”. And for this question only exist two (useable) answers: librewolf and ungoogled-chromium. Any other browser isnt in any kind privacy.

Folks, claiming that only browser xxx has good privacy and all other don’t doesn’t help anybody. We need proof and facts here!

as per your linked persons ramblings, at the bottom:

Web Browser

If you’re worried about Pale Moon’s issues, know that one of our community chatroom members is developing a fork called Web Browser that is focused on stability, privacy and customizability even more so than its predecessor. Pale Moon still has auto-updates, OCSP and a few other unsolicited requests by default - as well as an extension blocklist. Web Browser either lacks PM’s issues (no automatic connections or an extension blocklist) or is in the process of fixing them (using system libraries instead of bundling your own, disabling WebAssembly by default). There’s a NixOS package and a SlackBuild (archive) with support for other operating system coming soon (or you can compile from source). The guy is looking for additional developers, so go check the project out if you want to help.

im using librewolf myself as the most viable firefox version

just a few points than ill drop it as well, they talk alot about what they call “freetardism” their explanation honestly just sounds like conspiracy, there is a lot of hyperbole in some of their explanations, like with vivaldi.

anyway before we dive deeper into the ramblings of a tinfoil lover ill get back to the point.

there is always pros and cons to all options, if you go from say chrome to brave, safari to epiphany, or any other steo towards more privacy is better than nothing, which choice is the best is of course subjective.

as mentioned my main is librewolf, my secondary browser is vivaldi. one of the reasons being, i like its smooth design, its not so strict chainsaw approach like librewolf, it also is the only chromium browser that actually and properly implements treetabs, specifically into its sidebar as a panel.


Here would be a good ressource.

Ah ok. Palemoon should nobody use :smiley:

But your right. Everybody should choose what he like.

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Thx, will check this site!

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librewolf updates always trail upstream firefox updates.

The problem with any derivative browser, is you trade some security for some privacy.