Which music player do you run under Linux?

+1 for Sayonara.

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I use Audacious exclusively for music stored on my external drives. It can play just about every currently-used audio file type including dsf and it plays the files “gapless.”

You can also customize its appearance in many ways, even setting it to display the album cover (if you have inserted it into the file data using the EasyTag program or similar).

And you can customize its sound output.

The customization is very easy and, though there are an awful lot of choices, it is easy to undo something if it turns out to not be to your taste.

The sound quality produced is slightly better than other music players I have tried; of course that is a subjective thought on my part.

I recommend that you try it. I think that, if you give it a fair trial (and investigate all of the options available within it), you will like it too.



It looks really nice. Just need to see if I can work with it. Will test it soon!

Otherwise I set up an RPi with Volumio. I have run it before. I like it!

It was a long time ago now. Gonna check out Sayonara first.

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I use mpd with Cantata. Cantata kinda works for me with the feature rich gui.

I used strawberry earlier, but switched to mpd because I distro hopped a lot, and mpd could have its config in my music folder so I got the same config whenever I install a new distro. Also, mpd is easily integrated into polybar, which I use with my i3wm desktop.


+1 for Strawberry [appimage]

singing strawberry

I use rhythmbox and Lollypop!

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Lollypop is okay!

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I don’t use a music player specifically, I prefer VLC for this purpose as well.

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I like VLC too. For movies. For music it’s just a mess.


It works to listen to individual songs. But for a library of music it does not work well!

Otherwise, VLC rocks! :heart:


What doesn’t work properly in VLC for music libraries? By the way, I forgot to write that VLC is also suitable for listening to internet radios. In the past, even the Clementine music player was what I tried, but it left no deeper imprint on me.

Everything works in VLC. It’s just hard to work with music in it. If you have a lot of music. I know VLC4 is changing that a bit. Available as nightly builds.

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VLC4 nightly:



Quod Libet


Quod Libet is close but this is the main showstopper for me: if your music isn’t available for any reason (device not mounted, file renamed, …) it is going to eat your playlists. [1]

[1] https://github.com/quodlibet/quodlibet/issues/708

I use mpd with Cantata.
Nice look and not resources hungry for my old i3 cpu and 4gb ram notebook.

whats about guayadeque ?

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Not everything. VLC will not render all videos in full screen where SMPlayer will.

Like what?
I haven’t seen VLC not rendering any file format fullscreen yet :thinking:

I use also quotlibet, with the following view (you can configure it as you like)
I have found that it updates large libraries much quicker than many other players.



I’ve run into more than a few videos that would not go full screen in VLC but do in SMplayer.