What's your opinion on Reddit today?

Last day before many subs will go dark (either indefinitely or at least for 48 hours), including r/endeavouros
Just curious what ppl here think and how they will handle the situation?
I will join the protest by logging out my 6+ year old, rather active account this evening. The AMA from spez sealed it for me. Will I be back? If things change, maybe, but as it looks like it’s “goodbye Reddit” for me.

I don’t really care. Reddit has gone to sh*t for long time ago. I am not gonna use their own app because of adds, so one social media less on my phone I guess.


Reddit is like never ending one upping trash of humanity

The only reason to be there is the never ending amateur porn. . . You can get that anywhere.

I’ve wanted to leave for a while. If my infinity app stops working, I’ll just stop using it


I personally help to archiving reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/142l1i0/archiveteam_has_saved_over_108_billion_reddit

I’m waiting, if any, the reaction of Reddit.

@bitterhalt Yeah for sure, but its a really great place for niche hobby for example. Also its way better than doing it in a stupid platform (Discord for example).

@fbodymechanic Why so many people are aware of that ? :wink:

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I created an account here today because I saw that r/endeavouros was going private indefinitely :frog:
I will still use Reddit because of its useful information and some very cool subreddits, but I won’t use as much, instead I’ll focus more on using places and platforms like the one we are on now :frog:

The moment I started using libreddit I found out about the API changes and I didn’t like it at all because the official Reddit web client is a bit bloated, and of course not that private (although private enough for me with an ad/tracker blocker), and I rarely ever post or comment, so libreddit was pretty cool for me.

For mobile Reddit, I’m crazy enough to use it on Firefox just to get rid of the trackers and ads

Reddit also has a problem with politics and echo chambers to a ridiculous level, and the biggest Linux subreddits tend to be a bit ridiculous with their beliefs, topics and actions sometimes


Because porn literally built the internet. Lol.

It’s almost like a parody on the real world.

It’s like how grand theft auto takes things here in the USA and just completely blows them out of proportion.

That’s Reddit everyday. You can’t be more polarizing.




I’m pretty much done with Reddit, most subreddits I was in went indefinitely dark. I’ll still keep my account, but I can’t say I miss it tbh.

Never liked Reddit as a platform and never used it although i do get results from google that sometimes are helpful. Mostly it’s just nonsense and you can’t follow any of it.

I believe that I may have a Reddit account on which was used once, not sure if it still works. On that note, I’ll likely won’t miss it.

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Although I’m subscribed to r/datahoarder I didn’t see that post. But good you’re participating! :+1:

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That describes Reddit pretty well IMO. It’s a lot of nonsense, off topic and trolling, but it can also be incredibly helpful and you can learn a lot by going into rabbit holes.
Just not sure what you mean with “you can’t follow any of it”. You can subscribe to any public sub.

I will miss it more than Twitter I guess.

I’m not subscribed to it. I just mean reading anything Reddit that comes up on a google search is difficult to read. You can’t follow any of it as it seems like people just post random crap and nothing makes sense or is relevant half the time.

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Ah, ok, I understand. That also confused me a lot when I started using Reddit.

Well like i say i really don’t use it. But when i read Reddit postings it just seems like nonsense.

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Reddit is a place where people with IQ of 101 can feel superior to the people of average IQ.

You know, the sort of people who think Rick and Morty is quirky and clever humour, and that one has to be a genius to understand it.

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The management of Reddit are incompetent buffoons. Improve your own app and tools so the subreddit moderators don’t need to use the third party apps to do their job, and then squeeze out the third party apps and make sure that as many Reddit users as possible are exposed to advertisements :moneybag:



Yeah! It’s not so much WHAT they are doing, it’s HOW it’s done. You want to make (more) money from your users? You want ppl to work for you for free (Mods)?Then maybe show some respect and don’t tread 'em like shit!

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I feel the same way about it the day I first heard the name “Reddit”.

“Bah, get off my lawn, I don’t need anymore new things”. Still don’t need it, kind of sick of it being the top search result all of the time because MOST of the time, nobody knows wtf they’re talkiing about so it’s ENTIRELY useless to me most of the time. Just my 2 cents, my personal mileage with it.

…and I mean it, get off my lawn! :wink:

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