What tools do you use to educate people about privacy?

One of my favorite blogs about data privacy is the Kuketz Blog. This is in german. You will need a good translation engine to find it useful if you do not speak german.

Recently, this blog published a page titled: "Nothing to hide? A modern myth and 12 arguments against it"

This gives 12 arguments to convince people why data privacy is important.


I ended up taking another route. Instead of trying to convince them, instead of making it subtle into thinking it was their idea, etc
 I opted for a last resort – long game – approach. Present it in such a way that it is very simplistic, yet informative. Thus making them unaware that they’re making an informed decision rather than a convenient one.

I could not convince people around me, but I did manage to achieve another milestone. They’re unaware at first of the fact that they were uncomfortable doing X and Y, even though prior to “my involvement”, they would simply click yes here is my phone number. Thus, the mindset was created to make an informed decision. The mindset is the long term goal, not the privacy arguments or applications/procedures.

Might work for some, might not work for some. At least I managed to make them more aware of their personal info and internet usage (living in a country that’s 100% online)

Another common thing I hear is the nihilist doomer view: Everyone already has all my information anyways, so why should I bother?

It’s hard to tell them that’s not the case, because it kind of is
 And trying to educate them seems like a moot point if they don’t philosophically agree with the value of privacy from the get-go. It doesn’t help that actually preserving your privacy online can take a ton of work, and require sacrifices of not using certain things. It begs the question of: if you’re not going to go all the way, is there really a point to doing a half-job of making privacy-oriented choices?

I think maybe one of the best approaches for a wide audience is the ability for our information and privacy to be exploited by the government to shut down and stifle dissidence, or manipulate the masses. We at least need to constantly keep fighting for privacy legislation, which is often under attack. Show them a couple dystopian sci-fi movies, or Black Mirror, or just point to what goes on every day in China now.

To most people that understand technology, the prospects of losing more and more privacy to the government or international organizations (eg. Nine Eyes, in the name of stopping human trafficking and child p**n) has terrifying consequences. Everyone should be much more concerned about that future, because once it’s gone it might turn into a bloody fight to get it back. A lot of people underappreciate the privacy they have now, and may realize its importance only when it’s too late.

I am especially concerned about the value of our personal data in the advent of AI. AI has already been shown capable of predicting very creepy things about a person just based on a subset of seemingly unrelated information - for example, there was a story in 2012 of Target targeting a teen with pregnancy related ads before her father even knew about it. There’s a lot that can be done with it now, and the amount of information companies have about you only grows every day. As AI gets better, there’s no telling what kind of predictions are no longer off-limits. They can start predicting that you are a political deviant before you ever openly share that information anywhere, and pre-emptively throw you in a black van. I’m sure that already happens to some extent in China. And in the anime Psycho Pass, the mental state of citizens are constantly monitored, and police will arrest people based on the monitoring system’s predictions that a person will commit a crime, BEFORE they commit the crime.

Riot, now owned by Tencent, a Chinese behemoth of a gaming company, things that I am going to allow them to install a kernel-level spyware program that has to run 24/7 and whose source code and behavior can obviously never be properly validated. Fat chance.

I played League for almost 12 years now, but I expect to never play another single game again because of their new anti-cheat requirement. I also played on Linux, so it wasn’t going to work out anyways.

Pisses me off, but such is the life of being a Linux user. At least there are tons of other non-invasive games that work perfectly fine on Linux now. Thanks Valve.

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At some point the PC gaming may get killed off and I’ll just revert back to PS5 offline with physical media only again.

Who knows? Or just back to solitaire and supertuxcart

I’m also a ex-leagueof player. Always heard lots of bad things about Dota 2 but one of my friend made me try and its really not that bad. For example you start directly with the full roaster of champions, if you are into skins lots are really cheap like between 0.05/0.2€. So give it a try if you haven’t before.

There’s only true answer based in reality - you have to go all the way, as your
security + privacy = weakest link in your opsec chain
there’s no other way around it, especially in modern world

However, if you want someone “sane” and “normal” to actually get there - it’s probably impossible without half-job on user part
Not many people are ready for leap of faith, even if it’s described in 100000 pages of perfect guide and factually based

I might at some point, but I can’t say I’m not better off without a MOBA. I’ve tried DOTA before and was really turned off. It just feels somehow janky and less responsive and crisp. I really appreciated the character graphic and gameplay design in League. I liked the direction they have been going with kind of simplifying and distilling the formula for itemization, some champion designs, and a lot of the communication features they have added over time. DOTA leaves a lot to be desired in those respects, IMO.




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From Naomi A really good watch and listen


I’ve stumbled upon this

Pretty cool!



I dont know if anyone mentioned Mental Outlaw and Louis Rossman on youtube. They both do some greatcontent regarding privacy. Louis rossman is more centered in right to repair and such but he has a bunch ov content regarding privacy.

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