What terminal emulator do you use?

+1 Alacritty + tmux:


For the Alacritty users - two little scripts by me to modify opacity on the fly:

Str=$(grep -i background_opacity ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml)

num=$(awk "BEGIN {print $Str+0.10; exit}")

if (( $(echo "$num > 1" |bc -l) )); then

echo $num #debug

sed -i "/background_opacity:.*/c\background_opacity: $num" ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml
touch ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml
Str=$(grep -i background_opacity ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml)

num=$(awk "BEGIN {print $Str-0.1; exit}")

if (( $(echo "$num < 0" |bc -l) )); then

echo $num #debug

sed -i "/background_opacity:.*/c\background_opacity: $num" ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml
touch ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml

Assign to shortcuts in your DE (I use super+KP_ADD/KP_MINUS).


I am a Xfce guy, so i use xfce4-terminal :wink:


Konsole here, because of what Dalto said, but mostly because Iā€™m a lazy sod, and it comes with KDE.

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I use Sakura primarily, although I also use Alacritty on occasion. I honestly canā€™t remember why I started using Sakura, but Iā€™ve just stuck with it ever since.

Cool Retro Term is pretty slick too. I use that when I want flashbacks of when I used an Amiga.

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I used it when I was using Gnome after reading:

https://www.pleyades.net/david/projects/sakura Itā€™s just so K.I.S.S.

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Normally just Gnome-terminal. Also use Tillix sometimes.

I heard you like Japanese, so we put a byobu in your sakura.

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both wrong we do have xfce4-terminal there now :wink:



Iā€™ve liked literally everything youā€™ve ever made I think. Can I just ship you my laptop and just set the whole thing up for me and send it back?


I find myself putting xfce4-terminal on systems that are not XFCE now - because I like having the preferences so accessible, and the drop-down (and its own preferences) are so useful/easy. I donā€™t worry about resources, but it isnā€™t all that heavy anywayā€¦

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@fbodymechanic - send me a new Ryzen laptop, donā€™t forget the return addressā€¦ :rofl:

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Does Tilda count? I only use it cause of the drop down functionality which is pretty much a mandatory requirement for my workflow. Other than that, when I am opening up a non drop down terminal I donā€™t particularly care; whatever comes with the distro is fine.

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Since I donā€™t do Qt environments there are really only two I use:

xfce4 terminal and Tilix. I use either of them in any DE I use (I have ran Cinnamon with Xfce4 terminal as default many times). But since I bought a new computer I almost exclusively use Tilix even as default on Xfce.

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I use xterm on first install because itā€™s always there and works. I then install either Termite or Alacritty. On my minimalist DWM installation (on my Intel NUC), I use only suckless stuff - dwm, dmenu with st, all compiled from the suckless webiste.

They are all good and I think all of these support unicode properly. One odd thing is that I have a clickable widget on Polybar that opens a terminal and runs a Pacman upgrade. It wonā€™t work on Termite but works on the others.

If Iā€™m honest, I would have to say that ST is all I need. With a couple of patches and ZSH, itā€™s perfect.




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Iā€™ve tried several and always come back to urxvt. Itā€™s easy to configure, works well regardless of the wm Iā€™m using and is fast enough for my needs. Unfortunately, I will often forget why I donā€™t like a particular emulator, try it out again, and then the ball is rolling as I give them all a test drive (again) :laughing: After reading all of these posts I may be terminal hopping next weekā€¦


I donā€™t even have an old ryzen laptop to send you. But I sure wish I did.


Xfce4-terminal is faster than Alacritty for me :grin:

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Atleast you know what terminal youā€™re using.
I didnā€™t know itā€™s called gnome terminal until I decided to switch away from it :laughing:


tend to use gnome-terninal or tilix