What PassWord Manager in ̶2̶0̶2̶4̶ forever and ever



Got it fam. Becoming the next clown of this forum too, huh? Enjoy while you still can, I guess.



THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE :clown_face: ON THIS FORUM!!!11111111


It’s in my blood to be a clown, dude. You don’t seem to be one besides the fact you call yourself one. Let’s just go back to the topic before I get smacked by a mod or something.

I’m officially :clown_face: of this forum.


Any questions?




I guess I will be the resident fool then.


like everyone else that likes convenience, I think at one time I enjoyed a lot of extensions but went the other way the last few years. For a password manager, that extension has one foot in the clould which is what many seek to avoid w/ their pw’s. the longer I thought about it, I came to the conclusion that too many browser extensions/addons are realistically the weak link in home computing security (absent a firewall). thanks for the official link.


I agree, that’s why I don’t use it myself, either.

I don’t believe so

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Yet another vote for KeepassXC and I also KeepassDX on my phone, which uses the same db. I keep them synced via Syncthing and Tailscale to my server on my network. That way I have the convenience of accessing it anywhere without opening any holes in my network.

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more an in-general observation of extensions that are chatty, sync, call home, and are not good stewards of the areas you gave them access too. I actually used keepassxc browser addon for years and I trusted it. I’d find a way to break it often, though

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So, yeah dunno :sweat_smile: didn’t find anything relevant to the question in the forum, but was like, well if there’s already a thread from 1984 that I missed, maybe there’s been some new crap since then… who knows, things might change sometimes… ¯_(ツ)_/¯ But you’re right; it’s already implied, I suppose… (…but are you still using the same softwares that worked when you first got a computer? :upside_down_face:)

And for the record, I never asked for a “good” password manager, I asked (out of curiosity, as pointed out by @winnyace) what people here are using (these days, not in 2004, which, again, wasn’t probably needed indeed, sorry it burned your eyes :cry:).
So, yeah, long story short, I do use a password manager, it relies on a dependency with a security issue (probably not anymore btw, see there), and as I’m inclined to think (wrongly?) that the :clown_face: here have much more insight on this kind of matter than any random :clown_face: on DA INTERNET a search engine would’ve pointed me too, I wanted to “save” me some pain… or I dunno…
My bad :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Good thinking!

Everyone should use only certified, trusted :clown_face: :rofl:


Certified :clown_face: recommends KeePassXC, because it’s THE password manager, FOSS, with argon2 encryption and completely offline, top of the line password generator, TOTP.
Can’t get any better than that!


nice catch.
remind me to audit more often.
I was just wondering if you were looking for cutting edge stuff because to me it (pw managers) really hasn’t evolved as an app since 2004 as far as how it works. I thought that was your context of 2024 relevancy. I got it. thanks.

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Well, now I trust it little bit less if :clown_face: recommends it. :sweat_smile:

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I’m using keepassXC and I upload the database to a cloud server to sync it and keep versioning. Forever and ever.
For web logins I use firefox sync, although firefox sync wouldn’t be available forever :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


But, you could self host your own Firefox sync and you won’t have to worry about losing it.


That sounds like a terrible idea to me. Welcome to the forum! :frog: