What is your "primary use" of this brilliant OS?

What is your “primary use” of this brilliant OS?

As my daily driver, I can’t stand to log into MS Windows any longer, I should have done this with the release of MS Windows 10 when it auto-upgraded my Windows 7 Ultimate to Windows 10 Home while I was at work :hot_face:
I like to play games on my PC and I have taken an oath that if it’s not supported by Linux, I won’t play it. If you look at MS Windows 11, they went hard at making it look like the Plasma desktop. Even the file manager looks eerily similar to Dolphin.
Since the release of Windows 11, I have seen more and more YouTube videos & blog posts about how people are switching to Linux as their daily driver. I hope this is true because that just means more support coverage on Linux; the more people that use it, the more topics show up on forums.
Linux gaming support has come a long way. I think if more people use Linux, better support for all AAA games will follow. For now, I am happy with what I have to work with as a whole, which is much more than MS Windows has to offer.


About 90% of our computer using society are still stuck on using Windows, and even a lot of Linux users still dual boot (work users excused). We have to change. How can we be so stuck in to such a mindset that is owned by one corporate company that just seeks to appease it’s shareholders? That is not freedom, that is slavery.


Oh, the memories! :nerd_face:

My primary use is browsing and streaming. ENOS is perhaps a little overkill as is the Lenovo flex 5 laptop host. For my daily driver I have an old Mint on a skylake desktop.

Old habits die hard. The laptop can build a kernel twice as fast, but the 14" laptop is no match for my 24" monitor, cheap Dell USB keyboard and the trackball. It’s like well worn clothes that finally fit just right.


Oh, come on - it wasn’t as bad as it could have been (for a windowing OS teetering on the top of a pyramid of compromised DOS underpinnings). After all, it at least pre-dated the registry nonsense that still brings Windows to its knees! And it did allow for proper networking if you got the .ini files right!

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I am using Endeavor OS as my primary support machine at work. I am a sys admin in a pure windows (puke) server environment.


My memories of it were “It wasn’t the best but it worked”. When I actually looked at it through a modern lens it was more like “How did we use this back then?”

Networking and driver management in general was so painful back then. The company I worked at it in wfw 3.11 days was using arcnet. I remembered migrating to ethernet and how much easier it was to manage.


I do NOT want to go back to the days of networking nightmares. I think just about every one ended up buying the Chameleon TCP/IP stack so they could connect to SunOS and Unix…

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I mainly use Linux for software development. I have used Linux since around 1993. I think the first install was Slackware via flop’s downloaded from a 14k modem. my first kernel was version 1.09. I now use Arch, EOS and Debian 'Testing. I was long time Gentoo user as well. Used Digtal Unix, Hpux Unix, Solaris, AIX Unix.


Do you have a preferred DE/WM for your usage or is it primarily terminal based?

it has 4Gig? if so why not? EOS will run on it. i have EOS on T61 and T60 with 4Gig and 3 GIg. browsers are slow but DE and apps works fine.

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Seeing a few of the veterans around here, I feel a bit late to the party. I started out with Linux in around 2011. I first tried Ubuntu, but it wouldn’t boot post install. Ended up on Fedora as my first distro. Been on Arch-based distros for a couple of years now. Really like them. I think I’ve learned more about Linux in the last two years than in the preceding eight.

My EnOS machine primarily gets used for my work (statistics/epidemiology/research). Within that, my most commonly used tools are:

  • R
  • RStudio (might change this)
  • LaTeX + TeXstudio
  • Kate
  • Konsole
  • git
  • LibreOffice
  • Zotero
  • Syncthing
  • Firefox
  • KMail
  • KOrganizer
  • Teams

The rest of my life also resides on this machine. It’s just that work is mostly what I sit down to do (sad reflection on life).


I use it on my laptop primarily for university work.


I do mostly:

  • university work (LibreOffice, SciLab, Microsoft Teams),
  • cataloguing my online classes (Firefox, youtube-dl, VLC),
  • keeping important files synced across my devices (MEGAsync),
  • budgeting (YNAB4 via Wine),
  • web browsing (Firefox, Vivaldi),
  • managing my libraries of:
    • eBooks (calibre),
    • music (Strawberry),
    • photographs (DarkTable, GIMP), and
    • video (shotcut),
  • media serving via DLNA (Universal Media Server),
  • gaming (Steam, Wine, Lutris, assorted games mostly from GOG, Wesnoth, several emulators and, of course, Dinothawr),
  • torrenting enough liveISOs to fuel my distrohopping addiction (Tixati), and
  • generally maintaining my systems (Dolphin, Konsole, Yakuake, Timeshift, pacman/paccache/makepkg/yay, QDirStat, etc).

The list came out bigger than I thought it would. Nice.


I am an accountant and main purpose of using :enos: is for privacy and security.

I am not an expert linux user but I like to learn about Arch Linux as a hobby.

Also :enos: one of the best communities so why not :slight_smile:


So true! :+1:

The only other community I have been a part of that is full of helpful members and quality content was Crunchbang++ so long ago. Dang I miss Openbox :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

There’s another distro called ArchLabs that uses Openbox “outta-the-box”, but if it ain’t broke … :slight_smile:

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I am a basic home user as work provides separate laptop. So just a hobby as I have plenty spare time.

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