Looks like a Fire Emblem game, from the little I played of one. Certainly interesting looking. I will give it a try.
Been enjoying a bit of CS2 as I found a work around for 4:3 finally! Other than that it’s the usual Dota 2, Oldschool RuneScape and Tom Clancy’s The Division 1&2. They finally fixed the crashes on Division 2(game was crashing badly on both Windows and Linux). Also, I’ve been playing Forza Horizon 5 here and there with the local car crew.
OH DAMN! Can you please tell me how I could do that?
You need to install gamescope
and add something like this to your launch options with your actual display refresh rate and the resolution you want gamescope -h 960 -w 1280 --immediate-flips -S stretch -r 170 -f -- %command%
doesn’t seem to work for me. I put it in and the game crashes before anything happens. here are my launch options
__NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __VK_LAYER_NV_optimus=NVIDIA_only __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia gamescope -h 960 -w 1280 --immediate-flips -S stretch -r 144 -f -- %command%
I’m on AMD though, unsure if you need to add some extra options. Did you install gamescope via pacman? You may need env before your environment variables.
Installed gamescope via pacman, yes. Hmm… I will try to play around with it.
Yes it’s similar to Fire Emblem too, there’s a second one but I looked up the reviews on it and apparently the first is better so I went with it.
Nice, I love the sales
Any recommendations for a game that can be played with laptop/touchpad and no sound?
The only criteria - I hate turnbased games Got a week off…
The only one I’ve played on this list is Broforce but it is really fun to play no mouse needed, most the other games I can think of are turn based or would suck without the sound (telltale games)
Just had a thought if you don’t mind older games - pretty any much game on DOS etc
And I think Sonic is on PC now
I have been playing the Mass Effect Legendary Edition and absolutely loving it so far! Currently still going through the 3rd entry but I would definitely recommend it for the first two games alone. Mass Effect 2 is definitely in my top 10 games of all time.
I got two,
Papers Please is a very fun game that requires some fine attention to detail and Coloring Pixels is just a relaxing game to kill time.
One of favourite series of all time, Number 2 is for sure the best of them. One day I’ll try the legendary edition hopefully.
Celeste, Rabi-Ribi or art of rally. Celeste is a platformer. Rabi-Ribi is a Metroidvania bullet hell mix. art of rally is a half simulation, half arcade rally racer from a top down perspective. All three can be played entirely from your keyboard, without touching the touchpad at all.
Nice I’m planning on getting Celeste
Ended up getting this from the sale, gave it a little go and can see me sinking hours into this
I am playing only 2 games:
World Of Tanks https://worldoftanks.eu/de/ with the original Wargaming launcher (not Steam) and World Of Warcraft (WOTLK 3.3.5) on the private server www.rising-gods.de .
Both with wine/lutris without any problems.