My friend, if you love Oddworld, you’ll love Soulstorm. I can understand someone saying it’s difficult, because there is no accurate movement like the games in the past and sometimes it may be unfair, but if you get your hands around it, you’ll enjoy the free movement flow of Abe. Don’t let me start on the graphics, it’s gorgeous!!! A must for the fans!
Had a bomber run of games in recent months; Final Fantasy 6, AER Memories of old (you play a bird spirits transforming lady in a world split into little floating island and fly around while chill music plays), Life is Strange and Horizon Zero Dawn.
Few eras of gaming there, central theme that I’m a card carrying member of r/patientgamers. All highly recommended though, “I cried” count somewhat non zero.
I played FF6 on emulated SNES with a ROM hack to uncensor the script and fix up a couple of bugs, definitely the way I’d suggest.
Just finished Citizen Sleeper, myself. Great game if you like narrative, story, type of games. Really well written in all the individual endings and characters paths. Would recommend it to anyone that doesn’t mind reading. Can’t wait for the sequel that is slated to be released next year.
the Finals, Against the Storm, Darkest Dungeon.
and the perennial, Starcraft 2
Little bit of V-rising too
I want to try this one eventually, has came across my path a few times
The last few days I’ve been playing Monster Train, great for when you just want to waste an hour or so (similar to Slay the Spire)
Hadn’t heard of it but it looks fab - on my wishlist now!
I’m giving Elden Ring another try, I couldn’t figure out what to or where to go because I’ve never played a Souls game before.
I’m levelling up a new character in Elden Ring to get ready for the expansion.
Darkest Dungeon, how to describe this one? Hmm, I’d have to say they made a way of making frustrating situations in gaming fun
I have been playing Ghost of Tsushima on PC.
That game looks awesome
Yeah, it is the kind of game I enjoy these days. Single player narrative.
It has some fun stealth stuff and other sections where you just need to cut down waves of enemies.
Still CS2, but I recently got Slime Rancher and that has been fun.
Yer I like a mix between single player games with a good story or single player games where I have to work out strategies to win that aren’t overly challenging but make me think (Tetris is still my favorite)
It is quite a fun game, loved it
Nice and fun, I had forgotten all about this til I went to have another playthrough of Pokemon Empyrean
Burnout Paradise Remastered is working again on Steam Deck. Probably thanks to the recent update. Or maybe EA fixed their shit in their end. Who cares, we can play again (on the Deck). Fantasticly good casual racing game. Like all Burnout games.
Another good one I’ve been playing recently is FlatOut. Finnish made game and such a good one.
That’s nice. Back in April, it didn’t really work nicely on Linux, but I guess either EA or Valve fixed it. Fantastic game, honestly. I 100%'d everything I could, besides the Freeburn challenges, though, maybe I should do those too.
I wanna try that one out too. I heard it is really good.
Just got Wargroove a few hours ago and it’s pretty fun, reminds me a lot of Advance Wars on the Gameboy Advance.