What games are you playing?

Yes, that is true, and what Lutris and Steam does to a certain extent. I moved up to using PlayonLinux for this reason…and also winetricks will do the same. Good tip. :ballot_box_with_check:


I don’t like Steam, this is a very good idea!


Playing Final Fantasy XIV since patch 5.3 came out Tuesday.

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Hmm it never occurred to me to make a partition for backups made via backup/Timeshift. I may do that too once my comp is fixed. Thank you for the tip :blush:

Also I agree with you about writing everything down, except I do that digitally using Notion. That way if I need to reinstall the OS I know exactly what I installed and how i.e github, pamac etc


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I made a to-do list for a new installation, which becomes more and more mature over time. At my age, I don’t think there’s any other way to do it. Fortunately, I don’t reinstall every day to be able to remember all this (it’s not Windows …).


I’m sure I read on a certain Linux forum the other day about someone having 4x distros each with their own EFI partition and so having no problems with GRUB as each distro booted into their own boot partition. However, I’m not sure if that’s actually feasible to do. As I’ve alwaysread that it should be 1x boot/EFI partition per drive.

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Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee - GOG version. This is a very cool game.


Cool platformer, need to check it out!! :star_struck:

I’m not a gamer, but Supertuxkart is my favourite. I have played it on many linux distros without problems and it works really well on Endeavour KDE. I have also played it online.


Is this a screenshot of the Notion package you mention? on android I’m guessing? Interesting, I need to find the inventory software I had setup previously(no data in the database, empty). I was going to use that to create a software/game/hardware list. I’ll look into notion.

There is a post on here created by me asking some questions about making a partition for timeshift. Let me see if I can find it.

EDIT: @janin Here it is. Not incredibly detailed. But should give you ideas.

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Thank you very much for that. I’ll have a look into it in a bit.

Yeah it’s a screenshot of one of my pages in Notion. The picture I took was on my android/phone, but you can also edit your Notion workspace online. Or, you can download it for linux via github - Though it’s a deb file, so I have it on an elementary install.

Notion is perfect for this kind of thing. I use it keep track of everything from; all of my personal projects (including migrating all PCs in the house to Linux) to using it as my daily planner and a way to track my habits, books and recipes. I highly recommend it. It’s been a massive game changer for me since discovering it at end of June.

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I honestly play too many games to count, sometimes I’ll play a game for five minutes then move on to something else. I’d say the games I play the most right now are MMOs. Final Fantasy XIV primarily, followed by WoW and Guild Wars 2. Also, I know @keybreak has a lot of knowledge on Linux gaming, as well as a topic or two on the forum with some cool stuff to take a look at. I’ve been doing 100% of my gaming on Linux for the past few years and I’d like to think I’ve acquired a quite a fair bit of knowledge concerning the subject that it is spread out across various GitHub pages, forums, etc. so if anyone here is new to gaming on Linux, and has any questions at all regarding Steam, Proton, Custom WINE builds, kernels, compatible gaming peripherals, literally anything at all concerning Linux gaming fell free to send me a PM. I love helping spread knowledge throughout the community!


On windows, playing modded Skyrim Special Edition.
On Linux, playing Injustice Ultimate Edition.


Love Skyrim! I think I’ve spent at least 150+ hours in that game.


Hello again fellow FFXIV player! After scouring crash logs I discovered that crashing issue I was having wasn’t a result of playing on Linux at all, but rather an issue with the game itself having DX11 issues. But I eventually got it straightened out. Loving the new 5.3 content!


834 hrs on record
last played on 11 Aug



Glad you got it sorted out! I heard it crashes with proton GE 5.11 and 450 drivers.

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Yeah, I definitely haven’t had a smooth experience with Nvidia’s 450 drivers, but I finally got it working well using a custom Wine-tkg build through Lutris.

Interesting, I might suggest that to people having issues. I had issues with the launcher so I opted for a custom one called XIVLauncher.