What do you expect from Windows 11?

Is that one of those things that won’t work until you activate?

I guess now I am expecting Windows 11 to stop working with Virtualbox and virt-manager? …
Windows 11 Requirements Strike Again

Haha this free upgrade for windows 10 users comes with the most restrictions ever seen to mankind. Guess people who really want Windows VM might have to stick to 10 until 2025 or move to Windows Server OS VM.

Get the feeling the physical install workaround will not work either on final release.

Get ready for the biggest malware infection worldwide when people look towards dodgey ISOs on torrent/usenet with baked in malware.

I have to use Windows for several of my customers and for my corporate overlords … but at home I am running one form of Linux or another on all of my machines. I do run Windows in Virtualbox because that’s been the most reliable way for me to keep using Quicken. Looks like M$ will make that harder to maintain, and I don’t need Quicken that badly - so I guess I’ll be a Windows 10 holdout on my VMs.



Well, more of the same :poop:

Windoze is the :poop: est operating system I have ever seen.

What you think of a separate thread “How Can Linux Really Replace Windoze”

Linux is much more stable and much more reliable.

I believe there is a lot we can discuss in the proposed thread.
What you think guys?

Have you been asleep or offline for the past decades? That kind of thread has been opened a billion times on a million forums and the like.

Linux replacing Windows?

It’s. Not. Going. To. Happen.

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I doubt there are that many linux forums :rofl:

Oh bloody hell, stop distracting me! You’ve made me lose count again! Oh for fu…

Yes. :rofl:Please check I'm limotux, Just Saying Hi! Hope I'm Welcome!

Just to comment:

  • My business was mainly marketing, I see Linux in general is very marketable. It has everything “the consumer” is looking for. The question is “How to sell it” not “Can I sell it”.

  • Two sentences I read in two different books when I was a kid, they really changed my life for the better:
    a) “If there is a will there is a way”
    b) “I’ll find a way, or make one”

As simple as that.

Any way, it’s OK with me. I’m happy with my machine with Endeavour installed! :+1:

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Oh yes, Windows 11 is not a Windows 10. In return, you can upgrade for free. :slight_smile:

I’ve been testing Windows until the 10th release so far, but now Micosoft has taken that opportunity out of my hands. Among others, it is here that Microsoft justifies these restrictions. I don’t think I’m alone with that. On this issue, Apple’s upgrade policy is much more permissive and flexible, even though they release new releases of macOS every year.

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No but it has been that many distros and package managers. :wink:

No it’s not. It is literally the opposite: It is more complicated, it has less compability and it forces the customer to re-learn a lot of skills.

Again, people who use Linux and are passionate about it tend to forget that for most people the OS is not an ideological choice, it is a “choice” in the same way you choose your coffee maker:

“Can it make coffee?”
“—Well Yes, but actually No” is not an answer the customer is looking for. Again, I have listed what I expect is needed for a huge migration to Linux (in no specific order):

  1. Full Office 365 / other market-dominant proprietary software ports
  2. Full gaming compability (for ALL games now on PC)
  3. Full proprietary Hardware support out of the box.
  4. Full support from either the computer manufacturer, the store, or the distro maintainer. This logically means that if a computer comes with a pre-installed distro and DE, you void the warranty if you change distro or even DE. (In short, “Moms” and “Grandmas” so often listed as “true people I have totally installed Linux Mint for because they can’t tell the difference and they now love it” in “I made all my relatives use Linux” stories that totally happened that don’t have sons that are tech support but has to call the store to get help must be able to do so just as they can with Mac and Windows).

The vast majority of computer users don’t give a flying FOSS about FOSS, GNU, or anytihing else than functionality


I see you said it.

I believe people use Windoze because “it is just here”, they switch it on, double click the browser, music player. word processor… whatever… it just works.

It is same like checking in your hotel room late at night, you find they are welcoming you with a slice of pizza and a co will say… oh… OK… dinner is here anyway… and I paid for this slice of pizza included, I can save myself a little time and money rather than going down the street, crossing the other side of the road, to a wonderful restaurant with wonderful food, that is even served for free! Dinner is already here!

If you ask them what version of office you are using, most will tell you “OH, I just bought it, the year version… it is Office 2021!”

Doesn’t Linux do the same? Can’t it do the same?
I wonder why not!

Because of two things.

  1. It actually can’t. There is no distro, not even Red Hat or Ubuntu, that supports the same range of hardware that Windows does. Nor the same support, at least not to private citizens who doesn’t have a locked down DE.

  2. The resistance to learn something new. The average person is not us. The average person is simply not interested in technology. They expect it to work, just like they expect their stove to work, their toaster to work, their iphone to work.
    Think of it this way: When the car was invented it was first a curiosity. Then a toy for the rich. Then the Model T came along and made it affordable. But it wasn’t until about after WWI that the modern car actually was born, with the basic layout; when everyone could buy a car of any brand, and understand sort of how to use it. Gone were the random assortments of pedals and levers, all cars had the same pedals in the same order and so on.
    There were still insane experiments going on, like putting an 18 litres straight 6 on a frame with no brakes and call it a “race car”. But even that one had the pedals in the right order and the basic functionality where we have it today.
    Point is Windows, and Mac, are at the 1990s from a car perspective. Almost everything works autmatically, you just have to remember to fill the gas, check the warning lights and service it when it tells you to.
    Linux is, depending on distribution, either in 1905, 1915, 1925, 1955 or 1980s from a car perspective. Not a single distribution have made it “to the 90s” yet.

Plus, of course, as I have said before: The ideological reason to switch, that most passionate Linux users has, is not there. At all.

I did an experiment on a friend in 2003, I had a desktop (made 1999) with Suse on it, KDE. A friend came on and said oh, this windows looks strange a bit. I lied (for a reason) and told him this is the beta of the next coming Windows, a friend in relation with Microsoft as a beta tester got it and gave it to me to try. Why don’t you try yourself?

He spent like 30 minutes clicking, dragging, dropping, playing MP3, ask me where is the Word Processor or Spread Sheet… I just tell him…

He told me WOW! you got he new desktop with a 1 Ghz Processor! IT’s so fast (it was like 400 Mhz actually, 1999)

I told him no this is an old computer (I said the truth this time for a reason as well) :smiling_imp:

He begged me to give him a copy to install on his own desktop.

On his way home, he double confirmed I should give him a copy of this new Windows. He will start backing up his files on CDs till I get him a copy!

Then I told him OK… you are sure you OK with it? He confirmed! So I told him the truth, that what he really loved and is begging me for it is LINUX. Whenever you ready I’ll come install it for you!

He turned pale and said OH no, Linux no, it is different from windows, it is difficult,… it is not windows. :rofl: :rofl:

He begged me for it when it was the new windows, and begged me not to come near his PC when he knew it is Linux.

I believe nowadays people would be more ready to at least think about it, at least those guys, Moms and Dads, Grandmas … who just want something to work on browse or listen to music, or read a PDF or ePub… They wont even think of installing anything even on windows!


Just think about a scammer calling grandma on linux: yes please click on start and type cmd.
Grandma: sorry where do i start?

Nope, it’s confirmed that that’s how M$ want it to be in the final release.

I’m hoping that they relent, but as of yet it’s still their intention to ship like this on Oct 5th.

And it’s definitely not an activation thing, as I replaced my licenced Win10 Pro installation with this Win11 Pro install, and it’s carrying on using that specific licence.