Wayland on Gnome with Nvidia Card

I know there are a lot of Threads and Guides on this topic, but none of them work for me.

I have a clean install of EOS and a RTX 4080 GPU with the latest proprietary drivers installed (550.76)
Running Gnome 46 with GDM.

What I have tried so far:

  1. Checked in /etc/gdm/custom.conf that wayland is enabled

  2. Added nvidia-drm.modeset=1 to /etc/default/grub and ran grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    cat /sys/module/nvidia_drm/parameters/modeset returns Y as it should.

  3. Added the line add_drivers+=ā€ nvidia nvidia-drm nvidia-modeset nvidia-uvm ā€ in /etc/dracut.conf.d/nvidia.conf. Then executed sudo dracut-rebuild. Source: https://discovery.endeavouros.com/nvidia/nvidia-optional-enhancements-and-troubleshooting/2021/03/

  4. nvidia-suspend.service, nvidia-hibernate.service and nvidia-resume.service are enabled.

  5. Uncomment the whole file /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules as proposed in this post: Up-to-date tutorial for enabling Wayland on Nvidia desktop?
    Did not work, therefore tried sudo ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules. Still no Wayland :frowning:

  6. kms-modifiers enabled gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features ā€˜[ā€œkms-modifiersā€]ā€™

After all that Wayland is still not available, the gear icon on the GDM login screen gives me the Option for Gnome and Plasma(X11). After I log out and then open the gear icon I can choose between Gnome, Gnome on Xorg, Plasma and Plasma(X11). So Wayland is available after I logged in with X11 once.

But of course it would be way more convenient to have it available immediately and I have no idea what to try next. Any help would be very much appreciated.

Did you check your environment variables and all the other requirements at this article:


  1. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GDM#Wayland_and_the_proprietary_NVIDIA_driver
  2. Restart gdm

I had no problems on an RTX3070, but I was using sddm. A cursory glance at what you said matches exactly what I did. Give sddm a try (as a test).

Hang on - are you definitely on grub? Default install is systemd-boot, so you need to modify:



Thank you all for the replys.
@herr_marschall I set the environment variables but that didnā€™t change anything. The other requirements were already met.

@Cphusion already followed that wiki, did not work. But Iā€™m not sure if the modules in the modprobe.d folder work when using dracut since that seems to change how the initramfs is generated. But I dont know a way to check that.

@xircon Yes I definitely have grub. Iā€™m using a dual-boot system and always used grub for that and stuck with what I knew.
Sddm did work but I am now having other issues than with gdm. I could immediately select Gnome on Wayland but after typing my password I got a black screen and was back at the login windows. The third attempt then worked and I was on Gnome using Wayland.
Also is there a difference between Gnome on Wayland and Gnome(Wayland)?

When I still had an Nvidia gpu, I used different module names because thatā€™s how they loaded into the os. I added those to the dracut configuration, so these ones.
force_drivers+=" nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm "

tl;dr: Just used KDE instead of Gnome, worked instantly

Thank you all for your help.
I sadly wasnā€™t able to get Wayland to work out of the box - the best way being logging into an X11 Session, logging out and then back into Wayland.
Since I need Wayland for per-monitor fractional scaling, which is a pain to setup in X11, I just tried KDE Plasma and surprisingly everything 100% worked out of the box without any changes whatsoever.

Maybe I will try Gnome again with Gnome 47 or 48 and hope they improve the Wayland/Nvidia support, but for now I choose the easy way and just use KDE :slight_smile:

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