Wallpaper for EOS by Smokey

@smokey - you are a wallpaper creating machine! Looking great!

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Thanks, gives me something to do in my spare time and I have a lot of it at the moment

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could be a very lofty idea or already someone solved this. how about a background image that changes based on the location, time of the day (weather may be).
to begin with atleast is it possible to have a hour based wallpaper. may be a script just checks the time and rotates every hour. a gif would be super cool. it looks a lot simple when i think about it now. lets say if the time is 8 hourish, i load 8.gif, so we have 24 gifs.


Sounds like a great idea though I’d have no idea how to do it, there is this for KDE, though I haven;t used it so I’m not sure how good it is. Can also can the wallpaper to slideshow and setup a folder with the wallpapers you want it to use. I think XFCE has a similar setting. Not too sure about other DE

XFCE has this.

But I think conky can be something that could be used to change wallpapers.

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KDE has it too.


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Variety has a lot of settings for wallpaper display (by time etc) but I don’t know them all ATM. Certainly it has ‘been done’ many times, with varying degrees of usefulness!

Self-created scripts can also do it on most DEs (AFAIK) - and of course conky can do it too! (anyone for wallpapers depending on your CPU temperature? or Remaining disk space? Or Battery condition?). Endless scenarios! How about shades of green depending on your laptops current proximity to a good pond? :frog:

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Beat me to it

the script we will take care. you just think in terms of gif and theme. for example

astronaut/1.gif ... astronaut/24.gif
planet/1.gif ... planet/24.gif
endeavor/1.gif ... endeavor.24.gif 

we could have a theme selector that allows us to load the themes astronaut, planet, and endeavor. also we could make it default for all our community edition WMs :grinning:

EDIT: It is important that the background of images gets darker and darker as the day progress. the planet keeps rotating slowly from the left to the rigt of the screen

I’ll have a look and see what I can find, my arms are pretty sore right now so I’ll probably do some tomorrow, gifs aren’t really my thing, but I can have a go at it again

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tomorrow is very fast. you are light years ahead of me. the samsung phone live wallpaper (of cotton i think) is the inspiration for this idea. love to see the shock in people’s eyes who did not know they loaded a gif wallpaper.

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I just threw this togeather really quickly, no where near finished but is this the sort of thing you would like with the background changing also?

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exactly smokey. very nice.

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Thanks, I’ll get onto it tomorrow, going to try animate those sunbeams and add in a few stars for night

it is needless to say that the motion has to be very subtle. as you know, people don’t like distraction and fast movement of objects. i am saying this to ensure that there will be no rework for your effort.

Yer I just have to figure out the timing, was thinking maybe having it move every 15 to 20 minutes, will need to experiment a bit but I think I can get it moving nicely

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I’ve been playing with this idea, I find an app that makes it change on a schedule

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Each of the frames can be made into a wallpaper, I’ll export them and I’ll put them under that same github repo

Placed them here under

and here


The gifs and XCF file for GIMP are under the folder with test at the end of its name

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I love the wallpapers, went all in with endeavour space theming in all from profile to icons to startup and wallpapers, so I love this