Virtualbox 6.1.12-4 fails

So i downgraded virtualbox itself. What about the extension pack and the guest? I’m not sure which ones to use.

Edit: This does not work because the older version gives the problem of virtualbox not starting.

they are in their own directories under packages/v/…

you’ll need a matched set of the related installs. probably all of them from 7/22/2020

I had all the same versions you had and virtual box works but installs don’t. The online installs freeze and the offline installs but boots to blank screen.

Want me to try a fresh install on my side to see if freezes for me too? What were you building? I’ll try the same to see.

Just xfce and they freeze when downloading. Maybe you have current virtual machines that work but there is some other issue.

Edit: So i’m trying again and frozen.
downloading core.db
downloading extra.db
downloading community.db
downloading multilib.db
downloading endeavouros.db

Frozen …every single time i try it!

did you refresh the mirror list before starting the install step? (sorry if I am being captain obvious …but I had to ask, right?)

No i didn’t but honestly you shoudn’t have to. But i’ll try it now.

Edit: Now it froze downloading packages.



With KDE is very easy, but I’m sure it’s different with xfce. With Plasma you go to var/cache/pacman/pkg, and click on vb 6.1.10, vb-guest 6.1.10, and so on. If you don’t have the older package in cache, you can download from:
I’ll stick with 6.1.10 for a while, because it works!

If i download them all. To install them?
Edit: I see bothe zst and xz so which ones?

are you sure you aren’t just being impatient? I think I waited a good 4-5 minutes at 23% before it jumped to ~50% or 60% … then another several minute wait before it jumped to ~80%. It was long and slow.

No… it’s frozen I have been using virtual box forever and this is the first time that i have ever had any problem.

sadly I am out of ideas … I just created a brand new VM and installed using an EOS iso from July. I chose the online install from the menu … I can’t figure out what is different for you…


It’s okay i just went back to the original install and i’m reinstalling Virtualbox and well see.

Edit: Same issue just freezes.

[ricklinux@eos-xfce ~]$ pacman -Qs | grep virtualbox
local/virtualbox 6.1.12-4
local/virtualbox-guest-iso 6.1.12-1
local/virtualbox-host-modules-arch 6.1.12-8
[ricklinux@eos-xfce ~]$ 

Thanks for explaining the difference.

I’ll stick to DKMS some time more. If coming Monday there still is no improvement, I’ll make the change.

Nothing in your journal or in the VBox logs?


alias yeet="sudo pacman -Rns"

yeet virtualbox virtualbox-host-dkms

You only need one of it. I think you can safely remove virtualbox-host-dkms and use virtualbox-host-modules-arch.

Well i installed Manjaro just to see and i had no problem. It’s not virtual box and I’m going to install some other Arch versions just to see. There is some other issue.

Screenshot from 2020-08-14 11-37-59

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I have to run to a meeting. Maybe it has to do with the old key server issue… @jonathon do you remember? we needed to use

Oh, possibly - might be trying to update keys from hkps:// This might need a new image if it’s causing the installation process to halt (or limiting it to hkp:// so it avoids certificate issues).