Views on MacOS?

The little 2.5" SATA to USB enclosures. Loved 'em, made it so easy to use since you could swap them in 20 seconds.

Mac has good hardware support that is not the problem this is the problem, its all stock intel same CPU GPU and some Nvidia and now AMD GPUs, apples version of secure boot this part is simple to get over with clover.
The main problem is inflated price, When apple used their own CPU that was justified but not Intel no way,
Now Apple is going to use arm GPUs things could change back as they were before intel.
So if you have a i5/i7 desktop preferred hackintosh is the way to go install clover install stock Catilina fine tune mainly sound again no problem takes a bit of research on the driver all the tools are available from Olarila site. to run Mac like linux.

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I hate Apple and how poorly designed their products are yet they still convince people they are good at it (you polish a turd its still a turd). I also hate their anti consumer practices and general poor attitude towards those that have bought or use their hardware.

That said I don’t have much issue with OSX, its fine if not a little too dumb for me. Doing things can be a pain in the ass because of how idiot proof they’ve tried to make things


Fantastic operating systems for creative people and entrepreneurs…

It’s wonderful to be able to export a beefy 100mb lossless file from my music software and then airdrop it to my iPhone in <5 seconds to listen to on the go, or send via iMessage, etc.

There’s a lot of OSX programs I despise going without… Especially Airdrop, iMessage, Facetime, and Wallet.

Hardware is overpriced, though. I guess it’s just a premium price for access to the OS.

Edit: You’re also probably paying for their ridiculous amount of marketing