Update LTS Kernel - WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module

When I got the update for kernel 5.10.29 (LTS) today, the following error messages appeared again:

==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: xhci_pci

I had the same thing before with the previous LTS kernel (5.4), but can’t remember the solution. I can’t find the thread again either, as I have a different account now and don’t know what to look for. I was hoping that the problem was only with kernel 5.4 LTS, but apparently it always seems to affect the LTS kernel.

I don’t use the LTS krnel, I just have it installed as a fallback.

the firmware are not provided by Kernel ,
unless you have renesas USB3 ot thunderbolt ,
do not care , 2 others concerns SCSi Card pci



No worries, You more than likely don’t need it. It’s a normal warning. You’re good!


OK, thanks @Stephane , @fbodymechanic ! :+1:t2:

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