[Tutorial] How to install Virt-Manager Correctly on EOS/Arch base systems

That’s it, I thought qemu was a virtual manager

Yeah, I made the same mistake when I started.

I’m running Windows 10 Win10_21H2_English_x64.iso and have networking working just fine. Web browsing is slow but manageable. Just gotta figure out how to get Shared Folders working.

All the videos and guides I have come across don’t show how to do that with a Windows guest - but I’m sure I’ll find one that works soon.

Thanks for a well written article :slight_smile:

This tutorial knocked it out of the park for this newbie, thanks very much. It is amazing how other distros are running on my laptop.



When I try to install packages: sudo pacman -S virt-manager qemu libvirt edk2-ovmf dnsmasq vde2 bridge-utils openbsd-netcat iptables-nft

I get this on EOS Plasma:

:: There are 3 providers available for qemu:
:: Repository extra
   1) qemu-base  2) qemu-desktop  3) qemu-full

Which should I chose or does it matter?

Take a look at this topic:

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Not sure if reading the wiki helps or makes it worse to understand?


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Big thanks for putting this up! :people_hugging:

I never managed to get Qemu running on my host machine (old iMac). Good to see there are ways at least on Linux, as VBox certainement is well …just quick old, dirty (and always buggy) Oracle!


I chose qemu-base and all went fine :partying_face:

Thank you @s4ndm4n for making this tutorial!


luckily I checked, using the search function of this forum, about “tutorial” before posting one on how to install QEMU/KVM, found this absolutely excellent :+1:

In my experience, during the last install at least, “vde2” isn’t available via pacman, so it may be a good time to doublecheck if anything changed on that side. Everything works fine anyway, including NAT and 3D.

Great write-up, it helped a lot. Some additional info about setting up a bridge interface to use for guest OS would be awesome!

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So I found that libvirt comes with it’s own virtual bridge interface. You can start it with:

virsh net-start --network default

From here you can set your network device on your guest OS in virt-manager to Bridged device with the Device Name: virtbr0.

I confirmed it was working by installing apache2 on the guest, starting the apache2 service and browsing to the guest OS ip address in my host OS, which displayed the default apache index.html page.