Trying to replicate Garuda Linux's KDE theming on EndeavourOS Plasma KDE

The prompt is the most seducing aspect. :wink:

Actually, which package includes the Sweetified Plasma theme? I started testing the garuda-dr460nized, I can say that it has a lot of stuff I needed…

Generally, does anybody know which package includes Sweetified Plasma?

This is where a garuda VM would help you. You could then just find the file and run pacman -Qo /path/to/file and find out what package it was part of.

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And where are the KDE themes located in the files?





Yeah it was on /usr/share/plasma/look-and-feel and it’s from garuda-dr460nized (sadly :c)

From a practical standpoint, would it not be easier to just use your second most favorite theming and call it good?

I bring this up because even if you actually get this working, there is a very real chance that after a month or so of rolling updates, some update will break things and you will be right back in the situation you are now in.

Just saying.



Fair point

I wouldn’t really mind using the Sweet theme since it’s pretty much same, but:

  1. The package providing the theme has a problem with signature recognizing and I can’t install it. (See my comment here) I installed the AUR version, but it still the theme itself didn’t work…

  2. I know, it’s available as a theme under the “Get more themes” section, but this would require me to check for updates and manually update, and, not gonna lie, I’m a bit lazy :sweat_smile:
    That’s what I’ll end up doing I think…

Either way I could close this post since I got most info, I’m only missing the konsole configuration, which I’ll find too, eventually…

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Just search it out in get new blah blah in Konsole settings. Sweet has a downloadable konsole theme. It has basically a theme for everything including splash screens and SDDM. It is also why it is the most popular theme on KDE store.


:pray: 555555555

No problem, we can close it for you.