Top 100 Popular AUR you did not know you needed

I’ve removed Pamac and using Bauh. I believe it has the ability to update all packages including App Images.

And THIS is exactly what is totaly wrong with the whole bullcrap!

If the devs, who for example programmed npm, pip, cargo and others, or to be correct, the guys who packaged it for Distro X would do it right, this crap wouldnt be needed.

Dont misunderstood me please. I dont say that topgrade is a bad thing/bad software. I only talk about the “lazyness” about that.

I mentioned it already here in a another thread (about flatpak, snap and other. dont know wich one so quick), but if this development go further like it already do since years, it didnt take long and we have exact the same situation like with Windows/MacOS.

The Goal should be, to exactly follow the philosophy of a packagemanager. The idea of packagemanagement was, to have ONE PLACE where you update EVERYTHING on the System. And now? woarh. I have to stop to write. otherwise i need alcohol again :joy:


That’s the point, pal!
If I want to install an application, I search the repos. It’s there, excellent! If not I search the AUR. It’s there, good! If not, probably not worth installing.


right now, i am doing whenever i shutdown my PC

sudo pacman -Syu
yay -Syu

if topgrade merges that into a single line, even that would be a great time saver in the long run, i guess. probably just a bash script will do and then my xonsh shell doesn’t like bash, zsh or whatever.
need to explore.

You don’t need topgrade to merge those into a single line. You can just run yay with no command line options. The result should be identical to the commands you posted above.

Just curious, Is there a difference between yay and what the “Welcome System Update Assistent” does?

The primary practical difference is that the update from the welcome application also does a pre-update sanity check for nvidia users.

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do you mean that when i just do yay it updates both main and AUR packages

Yes. It does exactly that.


I recently added spotify adblock from the aur and I love it and listen to it almost everyday.

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i was going through the list. being a video buff and terminal addict ytfzf looks incredible. going to check it out now.

not in the top 100 list, but i wish it is. I have noted top 100 AUR consists some client helper for propitiatory / cloud providers. i may be wrong here. after so much of searching i found this ActivityWatch as you guessed it now, there is an AUR package for it

ActivityWatch is an app that automatically tracks how you spend time on your devices.

It is open source, privacy-first, cross-platform, and a great alternative to services like RescueTime, ManicTime, and WakaTime.

It can be used to keep track of your productivity, time spent on different projects, bad screen habits, or just to understand how you spend your time.

revisited the list again and the two packages caught my eye down the list.

  • pacgraph generated the attached svg for me.
    generated by pacgraph

  • did not test ocrmypdf, assuming it converts all my scanned pdf into text magically.

fsearch in the AUR.


I understand why yay and paru are in the top three…but why is Octopi #2? I thought it was awful last time I tried it. I guess a lot of people don’t agree since it is that popular.

In any case, most of the stuff I use on that list are probably all well know stuff like brave, yay, onlyoffice and so on.

Who needs a top 100 list, anyway!?

I’ve been using it for eight years straight, on multiple computers. Never had a problem, never saw anything “awful” about it at all. :man_shrugging:

Not me… :wink:

that is the power and downside of democracy. sometimes, people elect a leader, who we can’t tolerate at all.

is there way to filter out the *-bin from the list. i tried some unofficial query strings in that url but didn’t work out.