Toolchain updates - binutils, gcc & glibc

Greetings lovely community,

gcc is going from v11.2.0-4 to v12.1.0-1 today, so this is a major new update. Other core packacges binutils and glibc are just getting minor bumps from v2.38-5 and v2.35-4 respectively. There should be no issues, but if you want to play it safe, you may want to wait a day before updating to the latest stack. Since I consider myself a bit of the resident guinea pig around these parts, I’ll be updating shortly after this posting. At the very least you should be seeing new updates for your kernels as they need to be rebuild using the latest stack. You may also need to rebuild any AUR packages you may have as well, so just a quick heads up on that.

binutils → gcc→ glibc

For additional reference, the last toolchain update from earlier this year can still be viewed here, it’s got plenty of good information in case you missed it the last time:

Edit: to the mods I don’t know if this is worthy of “important notifications” so I just have it set in the General System discussion for now since not all cores packages are getting major upgrades.

Edit2: Here’s the gcc changelog if anyone is curious:


thanks for the heads-up and the summary I’ve just pin this so everyone get noticed here at the forum.

Let’s see if we got struggle with this changes. :beers:


