Tips and Tricks for i3

Are you referring to the mod + right mouse to change floating window size?

That could be it. I did install gaps when I added KDE+i3, which I anbandoned quickly for straight i3 cuz I like to tinker with configs and not in UI settings. Plus the keybindings were all conflicting and it was becoming a headache to fix.

Thanks @anarchoN3rd
Iā€™m not sure what you mean about the ā€˜reminders for web apps on androidā€™ was that directed to me?

w.r.t. implementing that script - that makes sense to me, I can do that.

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thanks @anarchoN3rd ; it ā€œjust workedā€ as you described ( without editing config ).
Iā€™ve edited my ā€˜tipā€™ to clarify that.

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It was, but not in response to your question. Just explaining why I hadnā€™t been back to the post in 10 days. I use a web app built on the website to access this forum. I figured out how to get notifications from it now.

Word. Glad I could help. Iā€™m having a lot of fun tinkering with the configs, so I run into that stuff a lot.

I too am really enjoying tinkering with the config file, even if I dont really know what I am doing.
But its a great way to learn

I too have that problem on an old EeePC I also installed EOS-i3 on - the floating window apps seem to be too big for the screen
I think I can define this size in the config?
Also, some apps open (e.g. Timeshift) in floating windows even though they are not on the list defined as floating in my config, how is that?

I am just getting back into Linux desktop, and have a lot of config files to review! Not complaining; i dig it.
Dunno whatā€™s causing this issue. Willing to hack my way out of what was an impossible situation - i.e., not being able to name/save files.

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This one was already in my config, and was helpful in that case

# toggle tiling / floating
bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
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This led me to this and hence I added this:

# Constrain floating min and max x by y sizes (-1 is unconstrained)	
floating_minimum_size 75 x 50
floating_maximum_size 500 x 500

I donā€™t know how to control where the floating window is put yet though

if i want floating window to open at size I choose.

for_window [class="Blueman-manager"] floating enable,  resize set width 70 ppt height 40 ppt

you get idea .

Maybe i wrong what you try do :pray:

As far as i can tell, your method is to do individual app floating window sizes which is cool, the way I found is universal
I think :grinning:

This bar looks awesome ā€¦ Mine is just basic, this is the best which I can get with default Eos i3 bar xD



Dear @Pudge - may I ask, although this OP being quite a few years old, is this tutorial still up-to-date?

Greetings and thanks!


Since I took on ARM responsibilities, I havenā€™t had time to play with i3wm. So I am not sure.

i3wm hasnā€™t changed much so there is a possibility the tips still apply. However I think there is now a simpler method to assign apps to designated windows.


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Thanks! :v:

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