Tips and Tricks for i3

These are a few tips and tricks I have come up with for i3

Here is a cheat sheet for the different key combinations which comes in handy when learning i3
Here is the cheat sheet
To set it as your background:
copy the desired background image file to ~/Pictures
Ensure feh is installed, if not
# pacman -S feh

Then vi ~/.config/i3/config and add the following two lines
# Set background
exec_always --no-startup-id feh - -bg-scale /home/$USER/Pictures/CheatSheet.png

Then you have to reboot for it to take affect.
Now if you’re doing something and just can’t remember the key combination, press $mod+ any unused workspace, and there is our cheat sheet. Then switch back to the workspace you were in.

i3 doesn’t have any default key combinations that start with $mod+Ctrl. So we have a blank canvas here. I feel any modifications made by the user should be as a $mod+Ctrl+something combination just to keep things organized. So here goes:

Instead of Mod+Shift+e then get the nag bar and click on “Yes, exit i3” to logout, and these lines to ~/.config/i3/config for an instant log-out

# Instant log out
bindsym $mod+Crtl+l exec i3-msg exit

That’s $mod+Crtl+lower case letter L I chose the letter L for logout. Choose what you want.

dmenu ($mod+d) output is rather cluttered. i3-dmenu-desktop only lists applications that have a corresponding .desktop file. These are generally the most used apps. Add the following to ~.config/i3/conf

# enables i3-dmenu-desktop which only list apps with a .desktop file
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+d exec i3-dmenu-desktop

How to open a application (or more) in a specified window.
From the i3 guide
Layout saving/restoring allows you to load a JSON layout file so that you can have a base layout to start working with after powering on your computer. Dynamic use-cases also come to mind: if you frequently need a grid layout of terminals with ping/traceroute commands to diagnose network issues, you can easily automate opening these windows in just the right layout.

i3-save-tree is a tool to save the layout. It will print a JSON representation of i3’s internal layout data structures to stdout. Typically, you may want to take a quick look at the output, then save it to a file and tweak it a little bit:
End quote

Just a reminder, json syntax requires a comma at the end of each statement, and anything after // is a comment.

To do this:
install the anyevent module
# pacman -S perl-anyevent-i3

First, launch the desired app (or apps) in the desired workspace. I’ll use FirefoxNightly in workspace 8 as an example. Once FirefoxNightly is opened in workspace 8

$ i3-save-tree - -workspace 8 > ~/.config/i3/workspace_8.json

This will give the following pseudo json file.
// vim:ts=4:sw=4:et
“border”: “normal”,
“current_border_width”: 2,
“floating”: “auto_off”,
“geometry”: {
“height”: 691,
“width”: 1224,
“x”: 0,
“y”: 0
“name”: “i3: Layout saving in i3 - Nightly”,
“percent”: 1,
“swallows”: [
// “class”: “^Nightly$”,
// “instance”: “^Navigator$”,
// “title”: “^i3\:\ Layout\ saving\ in\ i3\ \-\ Nightly$”,
// “window_role”: “^browser$”
“type”: “con”

We have to modify it into a syntax correct json file.
In your favorite text editor
delete line 1 // vim:ts=4:sw=4:et
delete the line “name”: “i3: Layout saving in i3 – Nightly”,
delete the line // “title”: “^i3\:\ Layout\ saving\ in\ i3\ \-\ Nightly$”,
remove the comment ( // ) from
“class”: “^Nightly$”,
“instance”: “^Navigator$”,
“window_role”: “^browser$”

You should end up with this

“border”: “normal”,
“current_border_width”: 2,
“floating”: “auto_off”,
“geometry”: {
“height”: 691,
“width”: 1224,
“x”: 0,
“y”: 0
“percent”: 1,
“swallows”: [
“class”: “^Nightly$”,
“instance”: “^Navigator$”,
“window_role”: “^browser$”
“type”: “con”

Next create a script in ~/.config/i3

$ vi

#!  /bin/bash
i3-msg -q "workspace 8; append_layout ~/.config/i3/workspace_8.json"

# and finally we fill the containers with the programs they had
(flatpak run org.mozilla.FirefoxNightly &)

save the file and make it executable.

The above file shows how to start FirefoxNightly, which is a flatpak.
To start regular Firefox that’s from the Arch repository, change to
(firefox &)
Use whatever you type in to run it from the terminal plus & to run it in the background

Now, edit the ~/.config/i3/config file, and add the following:

# bind App to a specific workspace
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+f  exec ~/.config/i3/

and Firefox will start in workspace 8. I chose $mod+Ctrl+f so I can remember f for Firefox, you can choose whatever key you want.

I have also done $mod+Ctrl+v for VLC in workspace 7
and $mod+Ctrl+c for Visual Studio Code in workspace 9
and the json files were fairly similar, I had to play around with one of them but a little trial and error got it.

Enjoy playing with i3


Certain programs cannot be set to open to a specific workspace (they ignore the command). Instead, use the “catch and move” command for those.
I had to do that for Spotify when I ran i3, for example.

Aka use the “for_window” rule instead of the “assign” rule.

Install nitrogen $sudo pacman -S nitrogen

Use nitrogen to set a background image and in your i3 conf add the following line

exec --no-startup-id nitrogen --restore


awesome wm inspired auto layout script for i3wm


:pray: for share . That show wonder of linux ( you build what fit you ) i more simple and like control how + where window open ( that me ) That why i stay with i3 or sway :blush: simple ,easy + get job done . in past i use near all type WM + enjoy all ( there no best ) now day i just want get up + run fast + minimal setup.

EDit … @Pudge dark horse !! i shock see i3 post by you + long ago


What is the different between awesome-auto-layout and autotiling.

I am used to autotiling. Using xfce at the moment. Planning to configure i3 again.
Should i switch to awesome-auto-layout …

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like awesomewm




Like bspwm



ps: i use alternating_layouts instead of autotiling


if you like awesome layout then awesome-auto-layout

if you like bspwm layout then autotiling

but i like awesome so i choice awesome-auto-layout it is very cool :slightly_smiling_face:

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It looks like I need to test them all for a while.
Although autotiling seems pretty ok for me.


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Tiny script to show your i3wm keybindings with dmenu

mod_key=$(sed -nre 's/^set \$mod (.*)/\1/p' ${I3_CONFIG})
grep "^bindsym" ${I3_CONFIG} \
    | sed "s/-\(-\w\+\)\+//g;s/\$mod/${mod_key}/g;s/Mod1/Alt/g;s/exec //;s/bindsym //;s/^\s\+//;s/^\([^ ]\+\) \(.\+\)$/\2: \1/;s/^\s\+//" \
    | tr -s ' ' \
    | dmenu
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Tiny script to show your i3wm keybindings with rofi

mod_key=$(sed -nre 's/^set \$mod (.*)/\1/p' ${I3_CONFIG})
grep "^bindsym" ${I3_CONFIG} \
    | sed "s/-\(-\w\+\)\+//g;s/\$mod/${mod_key}/g;s/Mod1/Alt/g;s/exec //;s/bindsym //;s/^\s\+//;s/^\([^ ]\+\) \(.\+\)$/\2: \1/;s/^\s\+//" \
    | tr -s ' ' \
    | rofi -dmenu -i -markup-rows -no-show-icons -width 1000 -lines 15 -yoffset 40

or mod +f1 ( think Endeavouros still use it ) again you make your system simple or complicated for your needs :+1: that the wonder of linux :vulcan_salute:


Still there.


are Endeavouros using yad to this???

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If you mean the mod + F1 thing it’s in the config to exec a xed file.


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not everyone uses Endeavouros
therefore I would put it on for those who can use it
and I’m not using Endeavouros right now
that’s the beauty of linux you can do almost anything you want


yes now i remember with xed
but I prefer with rofi or dmenu
since I do not have xed installed

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I no using endeavour i3 for main just my own i3 arch but do same way :+1: no right or wrong way in linux


like this


perfect ! both way work ( if you need ) choice is good :vulcan_salute:

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