Tip: Turn off Firefox 89-90 "Proton" Design

Thanks! I tried a bit Tree-style tab but it wasn’t to my liking either. Now I am trying another one called Sidebery. I am still getting used to using it so I will be giving it some time.

Same here. What I like about Sidebery so far is that I can open and close it with a keyboard shortcut.

I will have a look at this one also. Thanks for the reply and the info on the addons!


Ouch, those are some pretty intrusive settings. I suppose since they are under “This add-on my also ask to” this is maybe OK but access data for all websites, control browser proxy settings and input data to the clipboard are all things l try to avoid.

Have you had it ask for any of those?

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You could turn on and off those permissions in it’s settings. I have set them all to off. It hasn’t asked me for no permissions. Hope it is respectful of my decision.


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Well, that is good then. I will check it out.

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Nice! Looks good to me so far.

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I personally downgraded back to 90.0.2 because mozilla sucks and everyone must have a giant display now or else…
So this is my personal setup:Screenshot from 2021-08-15 18-12-10
This is the treestyletab.css that I am using: https://pastebin.com/XnfmBcMb
The userchrome.css is from this repo: https://github.com/MrOtherGuy/firefox-csshacks
I’m very happy with it, and screw you Mozilla <3

Do you think that is a wise decision to trade off security for esthetics?


Why downgrade when you are using TST with the tab bar disabled? With the tab bar disabled, the aesthetic changes are fairly minor.

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yeah I understand, but having a 768p old monitor, the vertical space is just simply non-existent with proton…
honestly I’m thinking of switching to vivaldi but I don’t really feel like showing google their chromium is a monopoly…

If you want you could use Fn11 to hide/unhide the address bar as well. When hidden, moving the cursor to the top of the screen will make it appear again once needed.

Screenshot from 2021-08-27 16-28-50

I finally got a chance to try sidebery. It seems pretty interesting but I will need to spend more time with it. It is going to take me forever to get used to double-clicking to open new tabs.

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I started using sideberry as well because of its ‘panel’ feature. I really like the concept of grouped tabs but Simple Tab Groups wasn’t doing it for me.

Isn’t single-clicking on the panels, the default one or the one created by yourself, work for you to open new tabs?

No, and that isn’t even an option for me. Only double click and middle click have the option to create a new tab.

That being said, that would be just as hard to get used to as double clicking and way easier to do by accident. :smile:

I finally hid the new panel button so at least I am not constantly adding panels when I want a new tab now :sweat_smile:

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I mean there where the arrow points to.
That is my EnOS panel that I have created here:


You should be able to open a new tab by single-clicking on any of those under that particular panel.

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I see what you mean. Yes, that also works. Thanks!

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