This week in KDE

Power profiles and a more polished Kickoff

This is NOICE!!!

The System Settings Login Screen page’s synchronization feature now syncs your screen arrangement as well, so that the login screen UIs are positioned properly on all your physical screens.


KDE Plasma 5.23 will improve power management and boot menu

So switching to a “power saving”, “balanced” or “best performance” profile will be as simple as opening the battery and brightness applet from the systray and choosing between one of these three preconfigured states, whose behavior can also be set depending on whether the equipment is connected to the mains or not.

For newer computers that support it. :man_shrugging:


This week in KDE: Stability

This was a major bugfix week, with many important fixes to our core apps as well as the touchscreen experience. More of these are in the pipeline too! We are really trying to improve the stability of our software now that it’s starting to be used in more 3rd-party products like the Steam Deck. The idea is that this will become a virtuous circle of better more stable products leading to more use leading to even better more stable products!


This week, specifically tomorrow, KDE Gear :gear: 21.08 drops. With it brings updates and new features to your favorite apps. Here are a few adds to get you pumped!




More KDE apps here.


Love the Konsole ad!
I bet it’s NOT what that old UNIX man actually want (a whole lot of BLOAT) :joy:



:joy: Yeah, that was my favorite one also. He was a little too exited at the end. I am convinced he minimized konsole and was looking at porn instead. :astonished: :rofl:

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those are features and not bloat, :slight_smile:
also called a likely perfect DE

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nice set of apps, lately I was using KDEVELOP a lot, and was wondering how a good piece of software it is … really like it … just saying while all go crazy about vscode which is ok, but it sounds a bit like Microsoft so :-/ …

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@keybreak just loves calling bloat. Don’t take it to heart. He’d have us all using Unix, but I reckon he might be a closet Deepin user really! :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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in fact … I understand now, how this is meant, all good I just really love KDE, I stick with it since KDE3 :slightly_smiling_face:

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KDE4 is where I started with it. When Plasma (5) first started I found it very unstable but things have changed and now it is my main daily driver on my desktop. In fact it is the only DE installed on this machine, and yeah, much love also.

You mention vscode? I have tried vscodium which is pretty much the same but without too much Microsoft stuff. I think I might uninstall it though. It’s a bit OTT for what I need. I don’t write code though. I guess it depends on your requirements. Normally I am happy with Kate or doing things in the terminal.

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I would call it “useful bloat”. It’s not strictly necessary (TTY is all you need, really), but it brings one joy. :slight_smile:

And it does not come at too great of a performance cost, so I don’t mind getting a bit bloated… :frog:

I love that Konsole ad. If majority of ads were like that, I’d disable my adblocker.


:hushed: :astonished: :scream: :scream_cat:



Ooh, that’s what happens when you try to dual-boot with Ubuntu and Windows Vista! :scream:


KDE GEAR :gear: 21.08 is out! Check out the new features and improvements for your favorite video editors, file browsers, terminal emulators, document and image viewers, music players and more, arriving soon to your distro and app store!

KDE Gear 21.08


KDE Sees More Improvements To Plasma, Konsole, Breeze This Week in KDE Frameworks 5.85

Full list of 5.85 goodies from KDE found here.


This week in KDE: some cool new stuff!

I have exciting news: this week the long-awaited new QML-based Overview effect has been merged! Currently it shows you all your open windows, just like the existing Present Windows effect–which it will eventually replace. And it does not dim the inactive/un-hovered windows. :)The visuals are not final, but here’s what it looks like so far:


Pretty new KDE user here, quick question.

What is the recommended compositor to use with an intel igpu? Opengl or xrender?

Are there any pros and cons with them? Xrender somehow feels smoother

Xrender lack some of Desktop effects available with OpenGL as far as i remember, so it’s usually use in case there are problems with OpenGL 2